Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] has be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The number of blocks has been reduced by 25 per cent to 125 and the number of blocks with working interests of 10 per cent or less has been reduced by 42 per cent .
2 It has been suggested that their slow decline in the last I00 million years or so has been caused by the commensurate rise in diversity of filter-feeding bivalve molluscs , which ousted them from their former habitats .
3 It takes a few moments to adjust — one moment one is dry , wearing dry swimming trunks and walking about , and the next one is progressively getting wetter ( including the swimming trunks , which somehow seems particularly inappropriate ) — and it 's only when half a length or so has been swum that the whole thing seems ordinary again .
4 Observations were intended to be made of stream channel changes , mass movement , vegetation changes , precipitation , reservoir sedimentation , and dendrochronology , and the intention to maintain measurements over a decade or more has been realized at some sites ( e.g. Leopold and Emmett , 1965 ) .
5 The first paragraph that effectively has been drafted for her give it to B T is likely to be a repeat of what she said about T G I and I think that will be it then so I do n't think that there is any large amount of work other than her work with T G I itself .
6 Two men climb the rock to check that all has been eaten and to clean it for the next burial .
7 This testimonial was given by Edmund Halley [ q.v. ] in a letter written ‘ By the command of the Royal Society ’ in 1693 : ‘ I have , by Order of the Royal Society seen and examined the method used by Mr John Marshall , for grinding glasses , and find that he performs the said work with greater ease and certainty , than hitherto has been practised , by means of an invention , which I take to be his own , and new , and whereby he is enabled to make a great number of Optick-Glasses , at one time , and all exactly alike , which having been reported to the Royal Society , they were pleased to approve thereof , as an Invention of Great Use , and Highly to deserve Incouragement . ’
8 as has been mentioned , which has been something that often has been composed by women and transmitted by women , and there 's recently been an anthology published of Scottish womens poetry , I think that 's a tradition and is perhaps related to second point , the fact that the material 's only just becoming available to us .
9 You know , there 's a lot of symbolism that really has been lost , people do n't think about in the wedding service , but is underlying , you know , until fa fairly recently a lot of people promised to obey , erm , look at Prince Andrew and that when he got married , you know , erm , the Duchess of York actually promised to obey him
10 This is the Old Man of Stoer and incredibly has been climbed to its top , the first time in 1966 .
11 Finally , when any disagreements have been ironed out and all has been agreed , the creative team can start turning the ideas and designs into the real thing with the help of other colleagues , outside technicians and various specialists .
12 It may be that we must wait until all has been answered before hoping for enlightenment .
13 An appeal against Langbaurgh planners ' refusal to allow a hot food takeaway premises at 46 West Road , Loftus , to operate on Sundays between 7pm and 11pm has been dismissed .
14 Sex is clearly an essential determinant of the relationship called marriage , because it is and always has been recognized as the union of man and woman .
15 No British government in the past forty years and more has been elected with even a bare majority of the votes cast .
16 NetLS is a vendor-neutral , client-server tool that manages software access based on systems , users , time or usage , and was chosen by the Open Software Foundation for the Distributed Management Environment and also has been adopted by the likes of IBM Corp .
17 I do n't know whether this is necessary but Caroline erm , but when we take on a new type of business which is n't covered by our current procedures erm , say electronic data collection or something , which up until then has been done on paper , that we ought to have some simple statement in a procedure about how we are going to er , ma , ensure that we 've got a new set of procedures to deal with that new type of , new system .
18 In spite of specialization , the general outline of the discovery of many recent drugs is remarkably similar and indeed has been said to follow a text-book pattern .
19 It has been open to abuse , and indeed has been abused in the past by the Sheffield Mafia , which continues to exercise a covert control over British climbing media and administration out of all proportion to its collective record or ongoing contribution .
20 ‘ How is it that The Times is the only British newspaper with a man in Hawaii , and yet has been scooped ? ’
21 Getting into your loft quickly and safely has been made a lot easier with the unique collection of aluminium and wooden ladders and staircases available from the Loft Shop .
22 Clements Farm is of great antiquity , the building itself probably dates back to the 15th century , and happily has been boarded up to prevent more deterioration .
23 IN does not specifically recognize DNA ends but rather has been shown to bind DNA in a sequence independent manner ( 22 , 29 ) .
24 This is by no means the end of the matter , but enough has been stated to show the breadth of the definition of development and the technical complexities to which it can give rise .
25 It is true that in some respects the two institutions were assimilated , but enough has been said to indicate that the most fundamental disparities , in structure and in procedure , remained unchanged .
26 But enough has been said to show that the world of vernacular literature in 1200 was a much larger , more diverse , more interesting world than in 1100 .
27 Much more could be and has been written about this ‘ difference principle ’ ( 2a ) and its strengths and weaknesses , but enough has been said to , at least , give the flavour of the notion .
28 The above examples of intergovernmental grants are by no means exhaustive , but enough has been said to indicate that , when the form of grant aid is specified , the nature of the amendment of the budget line for local authorities is specified .
29 The company has not laid off any employees , but overtime has been cut out and some work that was given to outside contractors , e.g. final ‘ shearing ’ up of carpets , is now done in the company .
30 So it seems to me the exercise not only must be done , for the purpose of calculating where we stand in supply terms , but actually has been done by the County Council in respect of Greater York .
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