Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] we [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Rightly or wrongly we believed that as long as we were discriminated in every walk of life it would be absurd to pretend that everything was OK in rugby and play against the English and then go back to the township .
2 Or else we assume that the aeons during which the improbable state lasts , and the distance from here to Sirius , are minute if compared with the age and size of the whole universe .
3 Nothing particular follows from the fact that he visits them once a month , except perhaps we infer that he has a close relationship with them .
4 Then f may now be written as the quadratic form of which the matrix is the leading minor of A of order b — 1 , and we may deduce , corresponding to ( 22 ) , unc Now , by putting unc we establish a similar result for unc and so on , so that finally we establish that unc From ( 21 ) it is clear that a necessary and sufficient condition that f shall be positive is that Di shall be positive , all i .
5 Contrary to rumour our Clubreps are not Masters of the Universe , although even we admit that one or two of them seem superhuman .
6 From this time , we began to build up pressure on the Department , first on a weekly then on an almost daily basis , until eventually we heard that ministers had decided to fulfil the undertakings in the guardianship deed .
7 On the other hand , as Pasteur so wisely pointed out over 100 years ago ‘ fortune favours the prepared mind ’ , and so we thought that a theme based on understanding the science rather than say on product development ought to tip the balance of probabilities in favour of the unexpected innovation we are looking for .
8 And so we know that particles that were thought to be " elementary " twenty years ago are , in fact , made up of smaller particles .
9 And so we decided that Lex should have pups .
10 The C-axis must be perpendicular to the plane of the three heavy atoms and so we deduce that the c-type bands are due to b 1 vibrations .
11 And so we find that , apart from its use with predicate qualifiers , keep can also figure as the verb in an adverbal response to the question What … do to … ? ; as in : ( 36 ) what did the President do to the rebels ? he kept them incarcerated in Castellòn till 1835 Notice the inappropriate relationship of the question with how ? in this case , confirming that we are not dealing here with a predicate qualifier : ( 37 ) how did the President keep the rebels ?
12 The reader is urged to continue reading and so we find that Dickens has succeeded in one of the most difficult aspects of a novel — providing an exciting opening for it .
13 Since the above experience we four men always go down when we hear the bombs whizz , and perhaps we remember that experience when we hear the plane above droning overhead and we wonder where those bombs will drop this time .
14 They have evolved separately and thus we discover that monkeys with prehensile tails serving them as an extra hand only come from the New World .
15 Human behaviour tends to be reshaped very quickly with this method … and usually we find that it 's dad who ends up parting with most money !
16 Ethirajulu Krishnan , director for CARE , in Somalia says : ‘ We are trying to deal with all this and still we know that we are only reaching the tip of the iceberg .
17 Despite all this and more we decided that the asking price of £28,000 was about right and six months later the purchase was completed and we moved in .
18 Peter Mueller 's experience brought him no great success , either racing or on the French roads ; the new roundabout in Bourg St Maurice , on the road to Val d'Isere , had nearly caught us out , and later we heard that Mueller had crashed and written off his car .
19 Rob Andrew , his captain , added : ‘ Not one player in that team had won in Paris , and now we know that France are vulnerable when you keep running at them . ’
20 The King of Blefuscu has always wanted to defeat Lilliput in war , and now we hear that he 's prepared a large number of ships , which will attack us very soon .
21 And now we hear that Steiner did n't die , ’ Schellenberg said .
22 And now we find that the people who are troubling the Dales most at the moment are out of your own world — Bragad and Jinneth .
23 We learned to be open , honest and frank with the media and now we find that we are treated fairly . ’
24 erm there was a time , for instance , when we had members of parliament who were gentlemen of means , perhaps , and who did not need to draw salaries , erm and it was erm perhaps a gentleman amateur job , but it 's all changed totally now and now we recognise that erm to be a national politician is a career and erm it is a career which is perhaps rewarded at the going rate .
25 And here we find that the term is widely rather than narrowly defined to include an offence which carries a sentence of three years or more on first conviction ; or involves the use of violence ; or results in substantial financial gain ; or involves conduct by a large number of people in pursuit of a common purpose .
26 And as we believe that erm the earth and the sun were formed at the same time , so we 're starting to know a lot more about the original material from which the sun and the earth were formed , and here we find that it 's just full of prebiotic molecules which we did not know beforehand and therefore puts a different perspective on what we think the earth 's early atmosphere might have been .
27 After snarling a few choice remarks at them from the corners of our mouths , such as , ‘ Get lost ! ’ or ‘ Beat it ! ’ , which we understood to be good American for , ‘ Please go away , we do not wish for company , ’ we managed to rid ourselves of a few of them , but two of the most persistent followed us until we were clear of the town , and then we realised that the only way to be left alone was for us to be really rude .
28 At first it is not easy … we usually find that we have completed the task at hand and then we remember that we have not stopped to think first .
29 To confirm this we have to pause and look back from the road to Aubeterre as it climbs the eastern slope of the valley of the Tude , just as Pound must have paused in 1911 ; and then we see that , whereas the modern town of Chalais is in the river bottom , old Chalais , a manorial village grouped round the gate of the château , does indeed stand on the ridge behind , so that the tops of the tallest poplars by the river wave just below the walls of the château .
30 And then we decided that me and me brother would go chance our hand at Lyness .
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