Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] she [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 She had , at first , absolutely no hope of consent , and for a week or so she tossed in bed at night preparing to brace her spirit against the inevitable refusal .
2 She had been phoning people who might go to Greece with her or drive her there or , failing that , pay her air-fare , and eventually she succeeded in getting a loan from an aunt and an offer of a place in a minibus from an old schoolfellow and her boyfriend .
3 She may say she loves you and perhaps she does in her way , but Pickles does n't think or feel deeply about anything .
4 Despite her disability she still managed to qualify as a solicitor and now she specialises in medical accident cases at Townsends in Swindon 's Old Town .
5 On and on she ran until presently she came in sight of the witch 's cottage , half buried in greenery .
6 She sees she sees to the cats and then she stays in the see you 've got ta keep him company
7 And then she went in one day and she knew she 'd had a thousand and said can I extend it ?
8 And then she took in the claw-like ends , curling inwards to grasp the stair .
9 He repeated the question , and then she said in a voice choked with sobs , ‘ I did n't expect him home .
10 And then she collapsed in one of the bedrooms . ’
11 But she could n't control her dreams and sometimes she talked in her sleep .
12 And there she sat in silence beside her daughter for a full minute ; and neither of them spoke until , in a very small voice , Emma said , ‘ I …
13 erm saying that erm they ha that h he had been in touch with her and actually she got in touch with him he said peculalaly peculalalary
14 Carrie was good at stories but sometimes she stopped in the middle and had to be prodded .
15 But then she seemed in the end she she picked it up .
16 At first Buzz saw nothing , but then she gasped in horror .
17 Till slow she sunk in Death 's expecting arms ;
18 It was mid-evening , therefore , but still light , when eventually she arrived in Lower Axe .
19 And when presently she appeared in the kitchen doorway she said , ‘ I did n't know you were here , Peggy . ’
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