Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] they have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Or rather they 've given our county councillors a bloody nose by throwing them out , and the councillors are taking it out on us .
2 The fact is that for most children maths has been taught badly or rather they have learnt it badly for one reason or another , so there is a need for , for an improvement or a change , so the idea that if children can understand something this will help them to remember it or to make it more real to them , this does seem to be a shift over the last generation .
3 Or perhaps they had gone with their people to comfort them .
4 Commissioners nominated by the Lords and Commons were to ascertain the proper bounds of the forests by means of local inquiries , the perambulations returned into the Court of Chancery , and all places beyond the certified bounds were to be absolutely free from the Forest law , with the proviso that the owners and occupiers of land left out of the forest were to retain ‘ such rights of common as anciently or accustomably they had enjoyed ’ .
5 Even so , quick set hedges were planted on either side of these roads to fence them in , where formerly they had wandered at large .
6 The great voice which calls us all has appointed that one card will remain blank and another shall be full , and not for any good or well they 've done to him .
7 Or sometimes they 've got an account in your name .
8 Or maybe they had closed down the Project and abandoned him .
9 Or maybe they 've left them behind somewhere .
10 Or maybe they have forgotten that they are involved in a relationship , and that the consequence of setting themselves up as ‘ professionals ’ automatically cast us in the role of ‘ client ’ .
11 Once or twice they 'd had to sleep down there , though not often because Gloria said it was n't nice to be all pressed up against people you did n't know .
12 Well either ill or else they 've gone you know cos it 's a nice day out do n't know .
13 There had been women in Pesth , some of them attractive even by Imperial standards , but they had been the wives or concubines of Burun 's officers , or else they had belonged to the Altun .
14 This is a remarkable achievement , for his contemporaries ( except for some economists ) are now forgotten , even by highly educated men and women , or else they have weathered the intervening century so badly that intellectual archaeologists can once more discover forgotten merits in their writings .
15 It was decided that perhaps they had outlived their use and they were n't served at the reception .
16 Jack of Longleigh , Adam of Rochester , and Ydrys obediently fell silent , thinking that perhaps they had arrived in time to witness the last ebbing breaths of their one-time Lucifer .
17 I think that the issue really is erm are there ways in which perhaps they could be helped to do this more productively , and are there ways in which they could be helped to do this rather more collaboratively than perhaps they have done so in the past ?
18 Both ignored the fact that yesterday they had said farewell to each other and a way of life .
19 I note that now they have offered to construct a footway along this small section if you will dedicate the land to them for this purpose .
20 I would suggest that indeed they have moved on erm since erm the original er decision letter of the structure plan .
21 I note that the C E C is opposing this , but I feel that maybe they 've missed the points and the branch should actually take some responsibility for this because the wording could be better , we concede that point .
22 When you listen to one of the rather better Kylie records , they have taken a girl who does n't really have a great voice , who is an actress , and slowly they have developed a career where she actually now has a sound which is similar to some of the girly groups in the 60 ’ s , in a totally different way .
23 Now to many people community arts is a red rag to a bull because there is the feeling that a lot of these things start off quite splendidly as voluntary organizations , and suddenly they 've got their fingers in the public purse .
24 Longman have made a very good start to the year and erm , and so they 've progressed from day one , making last year I expect to continue .
25 They look better They all used to be one colour before but we 've now extended the range and so they 've put them in different colour bottles .
26 And so they 've got to they they 'll be asked the question rather , and they know the answer 's going to on the stand that they go to .
27 They 're young and so they 've got lots of energy .
28 erm and so they 've got to get together in , in class groups .
29 We are very grateful for their support and their continued interest in our programme and I think they were er conscious of the fact that Vice President Pandolfi was coming here and so they have contacted him saying how essential they think it is that the work should continue here .
30 If only they 'd kept the old Dicky Doyle cover , with a few blank pages inside , it 'd still be going ’
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