Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] it [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Or rather it contributes by setting the question in a certain way .
2 ( This is a borderline case between normal and deviant justification , or rather it points to one of the many ambiguities in my formulation of the normal justification thesis . )
3 It is related to the hedgehog , or rather it belongs to the same family of insectivores .
4 It is simply a rule of the language , or rather it follows from its basic rules , that one speaks misleadingly if one utters or assents to that statement without having that belief .
5 Or perhaps it followed from that carefully nurtured tradition of political and religious toleration which was seen even by foreigners as a distinctively English achievement in the era of parliamentary government .
6 Or perhaps it belonged to a child who was under rubble .
7 I wish to be at home with you indeed , indeed-my Joy is only in the bud here I am like that Tree , which fronts me — The Sun shines bright & warm , as if it were summer — but it is not summer & so it shines on leafless boughs .
8 For a month or so it looked as if he had succeeded in defusing the time bomb , but soon Catholic leaders were arguing that nothing was really changing .
9 The Land Campaign , or so it seemed to the Conservatives , threatened to wipe out those gains at a time when the party showed no signs of an electoral recovery elsewhere .
10 His heart began to make a terrible noise , or so it seemed to him .
11 Once the police have arrested you , or so it seemed to us , they will throw the book at you in order to make something stick .
12 We were silly girls , forced by our situation to be idle , thrust back — or so it seemed to me — into childhood games of playing house .
13 She had just met a small girl who possessed , or so it seemed to her , quite extraordinary qualities of brilliance .
14 The park had a few fairly large hills ( or so it seemed to me at the time ) topped by a castle , a lake with a river running through it and quite a few trees scattered here and there .
15 The body in its stiff ungainliness , beginning already , or so it seemed to his over-sensitive nose , to emit the first sour-sweet stink of decay , yet had an inalienable dignity because it once had been a man .
16 Or so it seemed to Jaq .
17 So lofty were these papal prerogatives , that no further Council would ever be needed , or so it seemed to many .
18 It followed , or so it seemed to us , that while steps should be taken to clear the streets of soliciting prostitutes , the behaviour of consenting male adults in private was their affair and not the laws ' .
19 Out of a clear sky , or so it seemed to them .
20 First it was something good , or so it seemed to me .
21 Or so it seemed to Scott .
22 Or so it seemed to him .
23 Blanche shrugged sympathetically , or so it seemed to the sergeant , as if to say , ‘ I understand .
24 For many years the British had tried to run him , or so it seemed to many .
25 It was enough , or so it seemed to Maggie .
26 The administrative arrangement and supervision required for such teamwork was exactly the sort of skill in which Lewis excelled , and the hours passed quickly with the progressive gleaning of intelligence , the gradual build up of hard fact to bolster tentative theory — and always that almost insolent gratification that shone in Morse 's eyes , for the latter appeared to have known ( or so it seemed to Lewis ) most of the details before the calls and corroboration had been made .
27 Civil war was the spectre which haunted much of sixth-century Gaul , or so it seemed to Gregory of Tours as he wrote the preface to the fifth book of his Histories .
28 With this as the acquired recording , it was exceedingly difficult — or so it seemed at the time — to slip down from the stress-filled beta-waves of everyday living , to those desired alpha-waves of mental quiet and healing .
29 Or so it seemed at the time .
30 The contrast was stark , an area devoid of anything green , or so it seemed from the air .
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