Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [num] of [det] " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps one of these workaholics who only became aware of difficulties in their marriage when their wives had packed their bags and left their goodbye note on the mantelpiece ?
2 After fertilisation the zygote would have three or only one of that particular homologue .
3 Is that poor Andrew Collins some sort of old punk or perchance one of those sad tossers who once flogged Socialist Worker to 14-year-olds ?
4 This is a rather variable type of vegetation and is characterised by constant Molinia caerulea , Scirpus cespitosus , Erica tetralix , Potentilla erecta and Calluna vulgaris , but any one or even two of these species might be missing .
5 Each specific protein has its own particular sequence of amino acids and a singular protein molecule may consist of dozens , hundreds or even thousands of these amino acid units .
6 Erm , I do n't think either a father or a mother intrinsically has to be necessary , I think what 's important is that children should have access to a variety of loving adults , one or two , or maybe three of those who they should have a special relationship with , does n't matter whether they 're male or female , so long as the , the children are loved and they feel secure and happy , it does n't matter about , you know , this is mother , this is father .
7 From its inception until 1954 the EDC treaty hung like a sword of Damocles over French politics , albeit only one of many problems that afflicted government .
8 so erm er th the thought , the thought did occur to me that perhaps one of these times he 's gon na actually go beyond just like talking , and perhaps touching somebody .
9 Does my hon. Friend accept that , if British Rail has decided that only 13 of those crossings are unsafe , it therefore appears to believe that 87 are perfectly safe ?
10 The survey showed that only one-third of those who had been on courses generated the training themselves .
11 Initially it was believed that only one of these , the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus , was involved in visual perception and that the rest were involved in visual reflexes like pupillary control ( the pretectum ) , orientation movements ( the superior colliculus ) , and stabilization of the visual field when the head moves ( the accessory optic system ) .
12 Another problem may be that you only have one machine for both recording and playback so that only one of these activities can go on at one time .
13 In quantum mechanics the uncertainty principle says that only one of these measurements can be predicted ; the observer can predict the result of measuring either the position or the velocity but not both .
14 During 1967 , 258 families had been provided with subsidised dwellings , 43 by the corporation and 215 by the NIHT ; this included 169 families rehoused from condemned properties , so that only 89 of these households represented an overall addition to the housing stock .
15 Springfield 's satisfaction with the success of the night 's operation , was somewhat tempered by the fact that only three of those captured were from the upper echelon of grey tracksuited heavies , the Apostles .
16 Although only one of these relationships is statistically significant — that between employment work satisfaction and dissatisfaction with life generally — both are in the direction suggested by the women 's own observations .
17 Although only one of these bottles is labelled ‘ suitable for recycling ’ , both are , in fact , made from the same recyclable plastic .
18 Quail occasionally occur in winter , and des Forges and Harber gave about 14 such records until 1960 , although only four of these were after 1900 .
19 Elements of these two types contract any of four " horizontal " relations , belonging to the same level , with other entities or properties or both , as will be described immediately below ( it is probable that exactly one of these relations is specifically linguistic rather than being a relation implied by human mental activities in general ) .
20 Four of them had been taking non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) for a mean period of 10 ( range one to 18 ) months for arthritis and remarkably one of these had DU in spite of having pentagastrin fast achlorhydria due to pernicious anaemia .
21 The haul , however , is small , and only one of these cases is actually attributable to a jurist ; for the other the emperor is responsible .
22 None of the patients dying of sepsis had undergone splenectomy and only one of these deaths occurred in the early post operative period .
23 Only three of the whole group had worked since redundancy , and only one of those did so for more than half of the time between redundancy and interview .
24 Of every 200 16-year-olds just a couple plump for an engineering degree , and only one of those becomes an engineer .
25 Only three of the housing departments that provided information were able to state how many households on their waiting or transfer list required wheelchair or mobility adapted housing , and only two of these were able to break this information down by bedroom size .
26 Twenty six patients have had a restorative proctocolectomy for familial adenomatous polyposis of whom 20 had a synchronous proctocolectomy and pouch construction and only four of these patients had a covering loop ileostomy .
27 Perinatal mortality is the seventh most common cause of death and only one-third of all deliveries or miscarriages received medical attention in 1975 .
28 In 1892 , Clara Collet , a social investigator , reported that in the richer suburbs unmarried women aged 35–45 outnumbered unmarried men by over three to one , and only one-third of these were domestic servants .
29 Only 27 acquisitions cost $100 million or more , and only five of those involved non-Europeans .
30 There were , it seems , only fifty-three competitors who entered all three parts of the competition , and only twenty-one of all the submissions came from foreign architects .
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