Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb pp] out [art] " in BNC.

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1 They wiped out the buffalo , more or less wiped out the Indians and , eventually , were driven away themselves by loneliness , extreme weather , drought , and the loss of topsoil brought on by over-farming .
2 Early in this chapter it was pointed out that at the beginning of the century British governments adopted an approach of relief of unemployment that largely ruled out the creation of specific employment opportunities .
3 Describing Gloucester 's subsequent attack on the Woodvilles , More continues : ‘ [ Gloucester and Buckingham ] said that the lord marquis had entered into the Tower of London and thence taken out the king 's treasure and sent men to the sea .
4 Describing Gloucester 's subsequent attack on the Woodvilles , More continues : ‘ [ Gloucester and Buckingham ] said that the lord marquis had entered into the Tower of London and thence taken out the king 's treasure and sent men to the sea .
5 Some of those attending the final farewell wept as personnel manager Mr Parry , 46 , stood beside his son 's coffin and courageously poured out the family 's feelings .
6 As we saw earlier , the period which marks the emergence of Consumers ' Co-operation as virtually the sole objective of the Movement , and its rejection of authentic Producers ' Co-operation , coincides with Hobsbawm 's Age of Capital , that period which marked the phenomenal growth of a global economy of industrial capitalism and so held out the prospect of unlimited and unfailing progress — and nowhere more than in Britain which held a de facto international monopoly in trade in manufactures .
7 It composed a tortured symphony , and impulsively printed out the score on fabrex in the Midlands clothe factory .
8 She ought to be hoping instead that they did go to Civitavecchia and finally sorted out the mystery of Jeff and Silvia .
9 During subsequent interrogation it was revealed that Ann Lynn had made a rendezvous during the night with a Dutch cargo vessel , had stowed the contraband below for later disposal , and calmly taken out the anglers for a day 's fishing before unloading the loot .
10 Tolonen bowed his head , then turned his right hand palm upward and quickly tapped out the command on the grid of tiny flesh-coloured blisters at his wrist .
11 Without thinking she snatched up the phone again and quickly tapped out the apartment number .
12 Now it was the women 's turn again ; while the men debated the finer points of why the device had failed , we fetched buckets of water and old blankets and quickly put out the fire .
13 Then she picked up a pencil and quickly worked out the sum on a piece of paper .
14 On my return I discovered the score was 1–0 to England , and later found out the goal was scored by Mark Tinkler !
15 On Sept. 19 Aydid called on the USA to withdraw the marines , and also ruled out the proposed deployment of a further 3,000 UN troops , saying that their presence would not solve Somalia 's problems .
16 These rules deal with the requirements of English law as to the actual method of service and also set out the procedure for securing official assistance in the transmission of documents for service overseas .
17 And also bought out the insurance company fire brigades where , when you go round a lot of the older buildings in our towns and cities today and even villages , you will find an insurance plaque or an insurance mark on the side of the house or the building concerned .
18 The clerk looked at her oddly as she took her purse out of her school satchel and carefully counted out the exact money .
19 He turned back to the glaring headlights and dimly made out the terrified eyes of the drivers and their passengers .
20 They are usually of a detailed nature , specifying the time-tabled requirements for precise operations and jobs , and invariably set out the sequence of priorities .
21 The tips owners , who were not available for comment , have been told that the responsibility for making the tip safe is theirs , even though they had up until recently leased out the site to a local company which operated the tip .
22 One thing one thing we could do is erm reduce or not not photo-reduce but just cut out the middle of a sheet of the headed notepaper , then you get two two ha er two A five things but that way round .
23 Gorbachev emphasised the continuity of political principle between the new version of the programme and its predecessors , but also pointed out the need for ‘ creative development ’ in the light of changing domestic and international circumstances .
24 Especially when Ven seemed not only to be waiting breakfast for her , but actually pulled out a chair for her .
25 Kentaru ‘ Barracuda ’ Ishii , GenTech 's deepsea disaster specialist , has not as yet ruled out the possibility that the Mishima went down due to ‘ hostile action . ’
26 It was almost time for her mistress 's luncheon , and she went towards the back of the hall to the breakfast parlour , one of the few rooms still in use , to see if Mrs Diggory had as yet laid out the tray .
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