Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] [that] the " in BNC.

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1 I suggested a second or so ago that the ordinary reader , unsure of what to make of the shifting realities of Joyce 's writing , might defensively assume that no such hesitations would trouble the experienced reader , but that is far from being a homogeneous class .
2 This is again to put it broadly — that they must not exercise their powers arbitrarily or so unreasonably that the exercise of the discretion is clearly unjustifiable .
3 These days the term is used either as the first time you kick the ball AND its not on the ground , or even just that the ball is off the ground .
4 SAFFRON AND CURRANT BISCUITS 2 tbsp cream or milk generous pinch saffron strands 6oz/175g butter 2oz/50g icing sugar 6oz/175g self-raising flour 2oz/50g fine semolina 4oz/100g currants Put the cream or milk and the saffron into a saucepan , bring just to bubbling point and then leave to cool , stirring once or twice so that the saffron infuses well .
5 SAFFRON AND CURRANT BISCUITS 2 tbsp cream or milk generous pinch saffron strands 6oz/175g butter 2oz/50g icing sugar 6oz/175g self-raising flour 2oz/50g fine semolina 4oz/100g currants Put the cream or milk and the saffron into a saucepan , bring just to bubbling point and then leave to cool , stirring once or twice so that the saffron infuses well .
6 It is important to be aware that trade unions are organisations in their own right , and we must not assume too hastily or too readily that the goals of a trade union organisation are the same as those of its members or full-time officials .
7 Do n't shed too many tears for the publishers of computer magazines and newsletters that major on the IBM Corp market : their readers need aid , comfort and advice more than ever now that the giant 's feet of clay have been so mercilessly exposed .
8 It is of course taken for granted that the loading is such that always so that the response is given by equations ( 8.11 ) ( 8.13 ) .
9 As his hand was crushed down onto the red-hot ring again , Connelly 's body jerked convulsively and so savagely that the man holding him up was almost knocked off balance , but he stood his ground while his companion pressed down on the limb .
10 Indeed , his work rate is so high that his players are inspired to perform if only so that the old so-and-so does not get the better of them .
11 Indeed , his work rate is so high that his players are inspired to perform if only so that the old so-and-so does not get the better of them .
12 Once the execution history has been generated , TPM allows the program to be stepped or run forward and backwards so that the programmer can see exact details of the run .
13 He argued that the bread and wine somehow coexisted with the body and blood , and more importantly that the miracle occurred because of the presence of the faithful and not as a result of the magical powers of the priest .
14 She ate quickly , partly because she was so used to eating alone now that it seemed more a practicality than a pleasure , and partly so that the servants might have their own dinner at leisure in the kitchen .
15 The occupational therapist 's role usually includes advising on suitable types of clothing for the patient , partly to make dressing simple and practical , and also so that the clothing chosen is helpful in the process through which the patient relearns to dress himself .
16 I 'm afraid I 'd have to rewire this guitar in a more commonsense manner , so the toggle switch points towards the set of controls in use ( that 's the key , I think ) , and also so that the volumes sit fore and the tones aft , the way Gibsons and Fenders do .
17 This is to ensure that the gully does not get blocked by leaves and other debris and also so that the action of the water gushing into the gully is to clean it .
18 Europe has to fulfil its own environmental responsibilities for its own sake and also so that the Third World can develop without irreversible damage to the global environment .
19 If we said , like , if we , every second month say or every third month , then we , we knew we were going to have a speaker , we could the time before we could then do the business more thoroughly and carefully so that the month of the speaker we could just go through it very quickly .
20 It is vitally important that the line chosen is correct and straight so that the horse has a chance to assess each problem .
21 It was about their last overall assertion of authority , and was carried out smoothly and simultaneously so that the Indonesians were unable to reply .
22 While he did not dispute that in many cases money had been levied that was twice what was necessary for satisfactory repair , and even then that the work carried out had been slovenly or even not done at all , the great laissez-faire economist had been convinced by the turnpikes that so far as public works " for facilitating commerce in general " were concerned , " the greater part may easily be so managed as to afford a particular revenue sufficient for defraying their own expense , without bringing any burden upon the general revenue of society " .
23 She stepped forward to the window again and looked down from her turret , whence she had the view of a seagull , on to the sweep of snow , blanketing terrace and steps and lawn , rolling on white and smooth to the ruff of black shrubs on the lochside , and then beyond that the grey water , still as glass , gleaming like steel .
24 And then too that the Bayonnais became overbearingly careful of their wealth and success , which they protected by placing chains across the river mouth to keep out marauders and by imposing stiff customs duties that enraged the local Basques .
25 The object of these exercises was sometimes to try and get a change of policy , sometimes to indicate alarm should certain lines of policy be carried further and sometimes so that the critics can signal their feelings to sections of the party outside Parliament ( Left-wing MPs , for instance , use this method to get support in the annual elections to the National Executive Committee of the party from activists in the constituencies ) .
26 Also on item one six two indicated very very clearly and very positively that the money would be found in the nineteen ninety four ninety five budget , not from the ninety three budget and er somehow you 've got to resolve one or the other .
27 In general , though , it was not so much that the Radburn approach was questioned , but more perhaps that the densities at which it was increasingly being applied were inappropriate .
28 they had to be thus dispersed , not only to guard every possible French invasion route , but also so that the mass of men and horses did not strip any one locality of food and gazing .
29 The online catalogue , unlike its predecessor should provide the user with the opportunity for search negotiation ; i.e. , the system should assist in the formulation of the compromised need ( Q4 ) so that the system can be searched not only more efficiently but also so that the compromised need satisfies the visceral need ( Q1 ) .
30 ‘ With retirement , the timing can be crucial for all sorts of reasons ; for tax and pension provision , but also so that the ground rules can be prepared for post-retirement activities . ’
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