Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [coord] [pers pn] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Well more or less but he were n't amused at any of the results so
2 Books by , and about , lesbians have been in comparative abundance in the last 5 years or so but it 's debatable whether this literary output has served as insular affirmations or taken lesbian sexuality a little further down the road of acceptance .
3 ‘ You just keep on for half a mile or so and 't is up on your left .
4 In fact I have made one very important friend in the past week or so and it 's ironic that your last letter is responsible for this friendship !
5 Okay so it 's being fairly cloudy this morning around er , well the last half hour or so and it 's going to black for a fair while across lunchtime .
6 I 've been using RapidCad for a month or so and It 's not given me the slightest problem .
7 Another quarter of an hour or so and he was solving Michael 's recruitment problems across the board , recommending a dozen good , reliable workers .
8 Membership is gained consciously or unconsciously and it is often difficult to determine the time when a person becomes a member .
9 Back in January , at the beginning of the hearing , Baker said ‘ No plutonium produced in CEGB reactors has been applied to weapons use either in the UK or elsewhere and it is the policy of the government and of the CEGB that this situation should continue . ’
10 The rules are beautifully simple , but its branching ratio is 300 or more and it is more subtle than chess .
11 If you winced from the blow you might lose three quarters of an inch or more and it was no use arguing about it .
12 And the sewing course I mentioned earlier , we are getting the money and we 've discussed that already and it 's all set out .
13 But sometimes he had to laugh at this , for if anything she seemed stronger than ever and it was beginning to look as if she might outlast him .
14 I hope you will not be one of those who suffer but the increasing chance makes your Home Risks Insurance more essential than ever and I am very pleased that you have chosen to buy your protection from Legal and General .
15 Yeah that 'd be good that cos I I think I 've only ever made that once and it was sort of a bit peculiar when you make it .
16 But he had been there at the right time , he had acted swiftly and effectively and she was alive .
17 And so and we were bringing in deals and they were phoning the clients back and saying , Look yeah great alarm systems blah blah we have an alternative one cheaper .
18 Yeah well they 've got ta be cooked tonight so you got ta do so and so , so and so and so and so and he 's gon na be cooking all these sausages and stuff !
19 He gloried in the cunningness of it , the feeling of having outwitted the others , of knowing what they did not ; that he was out and away and they were back there where he 'd left them , ignorantly worrying where he was , searching ; wondering .
20 We keep we keep going on for longer and longer but it 's taking a lot longer for us to get any closer .
21 The Trees were moving slowly and painfully and it was terrible and marvellous to see them .
22 PROVIDED ALWAYS and it is hereby expressly agreed and declared as follows :
23 D The seller sells as beneficial owner but the seller transfer to the buyer shall contain the following proviso : " Provided Always and it is hereby agreed that the covenants which are implied by the seller transferring as beneficial owner shall not be deemed to imply or warrant that the lessee 's covenants contained in the lease for decoration or repairs have been observed . "
24 But if the day is fine and still and I am alone , I can hear somewhere in myself the sound of the hollow-ended drums , the clapping , the tambourine , the young voices singing , laughing .
25 Things are getting harder and harder and we 're going backwards .
26 But , like if it 's been out on the deck , the only things off the deck that they can save , is like Ratatouille , they save that , erm , and like but it 's unused
27 and like and it was
28 In other words , society is of the here and now and it is dangerous to generalise too wildly about it .
29 The British have n't done too well up until now but I 'm hoping to change that . ’
30 The council is spending prudently and efficiently and it 's spending as little hard cash as is compatible with meeting the essential needs of the people who live in the city .
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