Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [pers pn] do in " in BNC.

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1 That these same organisations apparently continue to do business suggests that either they do in fact offer something extra which the discerning customer wants , or that the demand is more elastic than one might expect , i.e. the average customer is not so very discerning after all and may have more money than sense .
2 She may say she loves you and perhaps she does in her way , but Pickles does n't think or feel deeply about anything .
3 And again you would expect socialization and environmental factors to operate , and clearly they do in a trivial sense .
4 Now I think that the Good did say oh well there is a law commission report expected , but I think that you know the Good should address somewhere tha that problem of trust law and regulation should and then I did in fact on going through the report and er you know and also your own reports erm there 's the one about designation of assets you know , which I think was a very good recommendation of yours , I think the actual area of responsibilities and the wider role of actuaries was important .
5 Now I think that , that Good did say oh well , there is a Law Commission Report expected , but I think that you know that Good should address somewhere tha that problem of Trust Law and regulationship and then I did in fact on going through the report and er you know and also your own reports erm there 's the one about designation of assets you know , which I think was a very good recommendation of yours .
6 Then at the bottom of the page erm , he says I am in the history department and he says I shall probably tell you several more times and indeed he does in the play .
7 The Formalist principle whereby ‘ the forms of art are explainable by the laws of art ; they are not justified by their realism ’ ( Shklovsky 1965b : 57 ) is manifest in almost every aspect of Sterne 's novel and does not have to be inferred from it by analysis ( as perhaps it does in Gogol 's Overcoat ) .
8 ‘ When we had a quiz , as often we did in the caravans waiting for filming to begin , Ken always won hands down . ’
9 What this suggests is that perception and cognition go hand in hand ( as indeed they do in modern psychological theories ) : the eye does not passively record objects in the raw , but structures and schematizes them in cognitively coded groupings .
10 She is , of course , a parody of her pale , former Habsburg self , but Gironella 's title , La Reina Negra , suggests a range of different resonances , as indeed it does in English .
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