Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [pers pn] [verb] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps I did diagnose it but I 've forgotten .
2 In fact for only 13 per cent was it not much of a whole-school effort , suggesting that mostly it did operate in the way intended .
3 It went on so long that finally I did undress and started to give in to the sleep I could feel coming on me .
4 My difficulty is as as you 've already heard I 've got no mandate to speak about particular locations or even sectors within Selby District although clearly I do have a mandate as I already have said to come along and say that we feel Selby District is an appropriate location .
5 The irony is that often they do have the liturgy although they have not woken up to it .
6 He says little about it , but I do n't think that there is very much doubt that intellectually he did exhaust himself .
7 It was a weird , time , with white rastas , art-school escapees , old rockers and punk fanzine costermongers coming together to discover that maybe they did have something in common after all .
8 It is true that sometimes he does attack innate ideas ; but this is merely an indirect strategy .
9 I feel that sometimes I do try to play God when I do try and keep people alive beyond reasonable times .
10 You wanted to wake up with him right there in the room and to turn to him and quote the next line of the film right back at him , to whisper it to him , make me almost believe that we are a pair of young lovers without any shame , and I do n't mean that in some tragedy queen way , but in order to say of Boy that truly I do think that it is a beauty like his that makes it all worth while , and I do feel that if we are fighting for anything , and if I was asked in a questionnaire what it was I was fighting for ( and believe me I do feel like I am fighting , more and more I think that ) , then I would answer , beauty .
11 ‘ I suspect that actually she does remember more than she ever lets on . ’
12 On the street again , suddenly I felt I was in the middle of a farce — ‘ POLICE SEARCH FOR THE BIG BANANA IS ON — and the discovery that actually I did have my cheque numbers in my moneybelt and that it was the photocopies that had been stolen made me almost light-headed .
13 I did n't forget Nelly who had been a good little friend to me , and eventually we did meet up again , several years later .
14 But it , it did and , and I think there again a little bit of Guild influence because when er we were at meetings we would say , well what are you going to do about the er drapery you know and eventually we did get this better erm you know , drapery .
15 Er the work that I 've referred to earlier in terms of the through traffic , was assessed before the southern bypass was open er and so we did put in place er a traffic automatic traffic counters on a number of key routes er to see whether on opening of the southern bypass , the actual effects er where the same as we were modelling cos clearly we were concerned that we did n't want to be er basing our assessments of of of of further relief roads on a false premise .
16 Listen , listen very carefully shh , because this is important to get right , erm , because the assign because the assignments are part of your degree mark , and have to go to the external examiner , and has to be monitored etcetera etcetera etcetera , it 's all quite formal and so we do need to get this right .
17 So it is a major problem , this communication , and so we do have to work with local authorities , with teacher organisations , anyone who can help us in this task .
18 And so we do try and give priority to , to ladies on their own .
19 Internally the Options Agency delivers training for young people who qualify to our employees at the County Council , and so we do receive assistance through the youth training programme and with our costs as an employer in training young people to achieve the these positive outcomes and N V Q's and so on .
20 He was always waiting , very receptive to new ideas and so he did like people and organizations to present their views and he did like to hear discussion .
21 Gentlemen , I , I , I do believe , fellow councillors , what we 've done now is asked the solicitor to , to take the matter in hand , and so I do think until we 've got advice from him , it would be for us to actually recommend any other
22 there is some change going on in the rural economy and perhaps he does want to interpret it as er a revolution which the communists can actually get involved in so he 's writing his paper and saying look , this is happening it may not be a rel revolution , but it
23 And perhaps he did think she would be better off without him ! ’
24 Those reductions were those identified in paragraph three and perhaps I do need to point out in fact that according to the report in Policy and Resources Committee , the use of carry forwards from the registration service of twenty thousand pounds in fact needs to be replicated across all three years .
25 Except that I thought you 'd understand — and perhaps I did think that you had a right to know why I feel the way I do about … about anything permanent . ’
26 She felt beautiful , needed , and alone she dared admit to feeling loved .
27 If only she dared ask Madeleine to come too .
28 But just now she thought she would willingly endure any punishment if only she dared take her hat off without making it perfectly obvious she was making a pass at him .
29 And apparently he did try .
30 While creating a bit mapped image is quick and easy it does have a number of significant disadvantages .
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