Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [prep] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Probably a blood glucose of 12 mmol/l or above on more than one occasion should indicate oral therapy for the patient on diet alone or insulin for the patient on maximal oral therapy .
2 The sense of belonging may inspire tears of joy or of repentance , or both at once as we continue in this intimate engagement , remembering :
3 In the exposure learning procedure the subjects are simply exposed to a stimulus ( or sometimes to more than one stimulus ) without there being any explicit consequences arranged by the experimenter .
4 If it is required to cytogenetically demonstrate the activity or otherwise of paternally or maternally derived X chromosomes in cells of fetal origin , the first requirement is to mark one of them so that it can be distinguished from the other one .
5 So they do n't say you know it , it 's like in York you 'll have it worse than somewhere like here cos we can see the careers officers running around
6 It 's not wrong or odd to be different , in fact it 's far wiser to think things out for yourself than just to blindly and unthinkingly follow the crowd .
7 None of these figures is very different from the earlier stages of weathering , and it would seem that even after more than three years of exposure to weathering , the damage and/or loss of bone is still very small .
8 ‘ I 've chased Horan and Little on more than one occasion and have yet to get my hands on them , ’ said Gibbs , who figured in the 63–6 Welsh defeat in Brisbane and then the 38–3 World Cup loss .
9 Your building is completed ; your medical establishment arranged ; the rules and orders for the government of the House suggested and published ; and already for more than one month , the indigent and afflicted have been deriving comfort and relief from the institution .
10 Two- and three-year-olds , who did not yet know less , were not as consistent , and their responses to less and tiv — and possibly to more as well — suggested that , in the absence of lexical knowledge , they were probably relying on a non-linguistic strategy of choosing the greater amount ( Trehub and Abramovitch , 1978 ) .
11 He seemed to me to be at the mercy of waves that tossed him back and forth between then and now : the real-and-actual and the desired .
12 The Yorkshire Car Collection will be open from 28 March and thereafter between 10.00am and 5.00pm on the same days as Keighley and Worth Valley Railway is operating , as detailed in this leaflet .
13 How can we appeal to part time workers and convince them that we can change things for the better , many of whom are home workers who are working in appalling conditions and often for less than fifty pence an hour ?
14 ‘ All About Eve ’ and ‘ Kennedy ’ , are some of the few examples ) and even after more than 50 lyrical outings , the one-track mind persists .
15 Well he said go back and tomorrow at least and
16 Even if you turn the machine off and then on again and read the cams , the pattern will still be in the wrong position .
17 and I 've got to there and then to there and
18 They may be found in the petals ( rose ) , the leaves ( eucalyptus ) , the wood ( sandalwood ) , the fruit ( lemon ) , the seeds ( caraway ) , roots ( sassafras ) , rhizomes ( ginger ) , resin ( pine ) , gums ( frankincense ) , and sometimes in more than one part of the plant .
19 Time and again between then and the UN deadline of January 15th , he could have averted the allied counter-offensive that followed .
20 However , the dimensions on which we can locate units , such as people , in some property space can be of different kinds and certainly of more than two dimensions .
21 In the course of a year it meets on about half as many days as the House of Commons and never on more than three days in a week .
22 Saturn 's brakes are well and truly on today as you are left to cool your heels with nothing special to do and no particular place to go .
23 As for Provincial , if you were visiting an area in which you were not quite sure what to expect , you might find Mark 1 or 2 ( the latter air conditioned or otherwise ) locomotive-hauled rakes of various lengths and compositions , first-generation multiple units ( anything from one to nine cars , riding roughly but still with forward and rear vision ) , or the latest Sprinters , plain , super or express , many with privately run buffet-trolley service on long cross-country journeys .
24 In contrast , the nuclear anti-neutrophil antibody is found not only in 90% of PSC patients , but also in more than 60% of patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn 's disease .
25 He was forced to withdraw his dissolution , though only after more than two years of controversy , during which time the Council had gone about its business and drafted a number of decrees that restrained the power of the papacy , and laid down reforms throughout the Church .
26 As far at least as I was concerned , it did so with due cause .
27 as well over here that our our guys have to cope with .
28 Does that mean Richard as well from upstairs or Russell , whatever his name is ?
29 Dean recalls three or four innings when even after more than four hours at the crease he felt relaxed and fresh .
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