Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [conj] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Ministerial statements have talked about raising council house rents to ‘ more realistic levels ’ or so that they more nearly approach rents in the private sector .
2 So they went to the Kildingy Well which was s supposed to have some kind of magical properties you see and er I do n't ken if it was a a holy well or exactly but it certainly was reputed to have some kind of properties that could cure supposed to cure any disease save the black death .
3 Then a negotiation could be conducted along the lines ‘ You take my opium — I take your Islands in return — we are therefore Quits , — & thenceforth if you please let us live in friendly Communion and good fellowship ’ ( Jardine to Palmerston , 5 December 1839 ) .
4 As soon as any woman gets a bit uppity , or any two or more women or young women want to spend time together , or even if we just plain disagree with the men or boys , the ultimate sanction can be applied : call her a lesbian — that will soon bring her back into line .
5 Through my mind there reverberated the words from Portrait of a Lady , ‘ Memories of my dead life , and Paris in the Spring ’ , the meaning of which every lover of Paris can echo , even if he had no dead life in either George Moore 's or Eliot 's sense , or even if his most memorable visit to Paris took place , as mine did , at another season .
6 If the customer posts his notice of cancellation , it will be effective to cancel the agreement provided it is posted within the cooling-off period , i.e. even if it does not reach the trader until later or even if it never reaches him .
7 We do n't vote Labour because we think it will bring socialism , or because we think it will cure the slump , or even because we particularly admire its policies .
8 Except inside and you just added the fourth .
9 I was actually quite low on the activists and higher on these three but I managed to wonder sometimes where I worked ever so hard on a session I ca n't really ca n't understand you know why it 's not going very well and I thought well when I then watched other people do something that had a lot of action I thought well why did they like that more and I never I did n't know but I 've actually learnt that you have to put activities in , cos you , you know you do get people with a very strong activist preference .
10 Claytons are my favourites but I ca n't find them that often so I usually have to go with the Tortex .
11 Cynthia also admitted that maybe if they really had got staffing problems they would actually have to look at whether they , they did keep maintaining the , the sub offices that they were .
12 day-before-payday pan-haggis was neither here nor there so I well
13 Their heads were the size of flies and moved to and fro as they presumably spoke to one another .
14 I often wonder whether these pilots would react safely and effectively if they suddenly got their aircraft into a stalling situation .
15 Naughty girl , always makes fun she was absolutely a very intelligent woman but she spoke soft and slowly so everybody just sort of , who knew her superficially , she was not a very intelligent woman , she really was I can assure you .
16 It was lovely to meet you , and perhaps if you ever come over to England … ’
17 Out of the goodness of her heart , and perhaps because she also was lonely , she had taken Tilly home to be her companion .
18 That statement of Rabbit 's will be true ( as our first truism about truth tells us ) if and only if there really is honey still for tea .
19 How good that wine tasted , if only because I secretly thought , what a rare old vintage I must be quaffing , laid down no doubt before the Battle of Trafalgar !
20 To me delicatessen means herring , 1,001 varieties of herring , but I did not always regard them as such if only because I virtually lived on them .
21 I went out very early one morning , just after the sun came up and long before anybody else woke .
22 In those days , if you stuck an advert for the cinema in your window , you got free tickets , and long before I ever understood any kind of plot , we 'd all troop down to the local flea pit and watch whatever was showing .
23 Around the titles is built a mystique that implies that this quite ordinary product is somehow different and better than anything else on the market .
24 Of course — and especially when you only want a single rose to fill a gap — it is all very easy to succumb to the highly coloured and neatly packaged entreaties to impulse buying , conspicuously displayed in supermarkets , DIY garden centres , and even the local street market .
25 Neither did I. I never imagined that a father could treat a dying child as cruelly and wickedly as we later discovered Heathcliff had done .
26 Basically it grew out of the idea that what the West represented , and the English middle class best of all , was something to emulate , look up to , admire — all the rest was just a bit rude and best if it politely disappeared .
27 To hide my embarrassment , I clapped before everyone else and longer than anyone else until our ambassador leaned over and said : ‘ I would n't do that .
28 If their hours of work can also be limited to less than 16 hours a week , then these workers will also fall outside the employment protection legislation , which means they can be used even more flexibly and cheaply as they then forgo rights to certain occupational benefits ( which now comprise a further 9 per cent of labour costs ) .
29 When he took not the slightest notice of her demand Laura closed her eyes , forcing herself to breathe slowly and deeply as she desperately tried to pull herself together .
30 Er and they developed these skills , as I said earlier , basically for their husbands for use in inclement weather and gradually as they obviously got to m make more and more they got these to trade .
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