Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] that you " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I told Anna a week or so ago that you 'd promised to visit her .
2 That comes automatically , together with iced water , before Peggy Sue begins interrogating you , and is replenished so often and so generously that you make a note to speak harshly to the next British rip-off artist who rushes you 80p for a niggardly Nescafe .
3 ‘ I might as well tell you — if only so that you 'll let me go home . ’
4 I felt I should include them in the list if only so that you could see the limited choice at present available .
5 Cos you 've probably found that already with maths have n't you that once there 's a little bit you do n't understand they start putting more and more on that you need to know that little bit for and you you do n't know it and you 're getting more and more lost and then it gets a bit late then .
6 I 'm absolutely convinced it can , and particularly now that you 'll have a government in East Germany which will be , on all the important questions , in total accord with the government in West Germany .
7 Okay and then underneath that you 'll put your , your forty pence .
8 sta sta staff comment comes out of there and that bit goes up then you have general skills and abilities and then below that you have a wider box which just says comments which will include a staff comment and may include a pupil comment as well cos because it 's signed by both at the bottom .
9 The other thing to avoid is swaying backward and forward so that you are alternately bellowing and whispering , fading out or disappearing entirely at intervals like a badly tuned radio station !
10 Be warned though , it does n't work on all PC speakers — there are one or two in the office that emit a sound of some sort , but so quietly that you need a hearing aid to catch anything at all .
11 The matters for discussion are s spelt out but just so that you 're under no illusions to what we are aiming to talk about , first issue , first matter is is the proposed provision and distribution of employment land for district councils and Greater York , the reason bearing in mind the need to provide sufficient land for employment in appropriate locations and the second matter is what effect if any will the proposed scale on provision have on adjoining areas in West Yorkshire .
12 You should ask for a copy of the letter of appointment so that you can check that your client is going to be there , but also so that you can withdraw instructions if the appointment is too far ahead .
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