Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [conj] [adv] it " in BNC.

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1 But then he kept going on about how brilliant your party was gon na be and everything and I 'm sat there thinking let's face it , if I come on between you know , because like , it would have been alright cos I 'd be finished like , today or tomorrow and then it would have been like nice and ready for the party !
2 So here or here or here it is really zero We can never say it actually is
3 When we now roll the ball towards the dent it may circle around once or twice but eventually it will fall through the hole .
4 What saves an ordinary cat from being over-mauled is the fact that sooner or later it struggles and scratches .
5 no he 'd , he 's got to do as he 's told and he knows that and that 's it and at the moment she says we do n't know so we do n't know , but we know that sooner or later it 's
6 in case you 're gon na be hungry you think well I 'll just have so and so and then it 's
7 The biggest difference in contrast on my equalization argument is between the City and between the Vale , and so whilst again it might be controversial , there is a logic , with our backs to the wall admittedly , of saying right well we 'll close this home in order to protect money that we 've got lined up to come on stream next year .
8 And tonight and tomorrow it comes out of the wireless and onto the stage at the Oxford Playhouse .
9 Some of those services used to build up a wonderful feeling , and now and then it would become rather emotional with the preacher calling on folk to come forward to the penitents ' bench at the front to re-dedicate their lives to the Lord .
10 And then that perhaps it was a sort of reminder .
11 I work till four o'clock , and then and then it 'll be getting dark wo n't it ?
12 Um now um getting on to the next bit of the handout erm I 'll just do this next couple of paragraphs and then and then it 'll be time for a break for ten minutes or so .
13 He has done a little bit of manipulation here and there but overall it will not boost the economy .
14 so I got together with a couple of blokes from school ‘ Hold Your Head Up ’ by Argent was in the charts at the time We 'd play that again and again and again It was the only bass line I could play properly — because it 's so simple , it 's exactly the same all the way through .
15 it was really going faster and faster and faster and suddenly it stopped dead .
16 She may start to release her emotions fully during or after the service , or she may go through all the ritual connected with it in a daze , but sooner or later it can be expected that the flood-gates of her grief will open and she will then begin to work her way through the multiplicity of problems that lie ahead of her .
17 But sooner or later it turns into a crisis of resources — practical , personal and political .
18 She could not refuse him , accordingly , and did not ; but more and more it was almost as if she had given in to Mr Poole 's demands ; one man was much like another .
19 But the second half of the lyric moves on from this : the completion of the line looks back to what has gone before in its rhyme , but syntactically and alliteratively it moves forward to convey the perception of that very still mourning symptomatic of the inner spiritual movement of Christ 's coming .
20 Certainly it accords with and draws on that faith , but also and explicitly it comes from Eliot 's long concern with the meeting extremes of savage and city .
21 That political crisis both drove and was driven by the economic crisis : but again and again it emerged that the key lay in politics .
22 And though most people hold that working in any kind of job is better than not working , it is equally important , and not just for individuals but for society as a whole , that children should be educated so that they can find satisfaction outside their work as well as within it , in things other than paid work .
23 Outside the college as well as within it , he worked for the Conservative party , attending meetings and electioneering .
24 As one observer noted , there is a need to develop democratic practice in the classroom as well as outside it , if people 's education is not to become simply ‘ a process of looking for a new set of right answers ’ .
25 In the USSR as well as outside it there were those who had an interest in attacking the record of these years ; they included the ‘ spiritual heirs ’ of Menshevism , of Trotsky and of the kulaks .
26 Ramsey entered this conference with a reputation outside England as well as inside it ; and the proceedings of the conference confirmed the opinion of a lot of bishops that he ought to be their next leader .
27 It 's just that I 've I mean I want a curtain there as well because otherwise it all looks a bit heavy but I do n't think I could put a blind down there because of the way
28 In Sweden , again , there was a series of efforts during the eighteenth century to regulate more rationally the salaries paid to different ranks of diplomat , though there as elsewhere it was easier to do this than to pay the salaries regularly .
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