Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [pron] would [be] " in BNC.

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1 Or rather they would be if they had a side of slightly more than average demeanour .
2 Or rather it would be a bit dishonest if I did n't .
3 Perhaps the most important reason is that if the company should go bankrupt , the pension fund ( which is normally administered by an appointed financial institution ) would not be affected , which can be contrasted with a pay-as-you-go system where obviously there would be no employees left to finance current or future pension benefits .
4 Sculpture parks are an enjoyable innovation of the late twentieth century , or perhaps it would be better to say a welcome adaptation of an existing practice .
5 In ten seconds or so I would be either triumphant or in sackcloth and ashes .
6 She had known that sooner or later she would be asked that .
7 The belief that sooner or later there would be another national emergency , which would force the nation to turn once again to him , was fundamental to de Gaulle 's strategy throughout the long years of opposition between 1946 and 1958 .
8 Because of that it was inevitable that sooner or later I would be delegated by Steve and Paul to fence some of the gear they 'd purloined .
9 Sooner or later he would be too exhausted to think straight and would give up the fight against himself .
10 So , it 's not chickenfeed when you start to er , or maybe it would be chickenfeed
11 Cambridge liked undergraduates reading theology to have two years over the work and believed that if they tried to do it in fourteen months they would do it superficially , or else they would be sure to hurt themselves by overwork .
12 Manufacturers gain through having their product demonstrated , or even through having it present in a store ( or else they would be unwilling to pay ‘ slotting allowances ’ to supermarkets ) , so that demand is not exogenous to retailing .
13 Taut with nervous expectation upon the horse , Dauntless expected one of two scenarios to ensue : something maddened and destructive would erupt at the signal of Cleo 's knock , or else there would be utter silence and no response at all .
14 I do n't suffer from ex-hatred myself , assuming that my partner must prefer me to any of her previous lovers or else she would be with one of them .
15 ‘ Azadi said that I had just twenty-four hours to provide him with the exact location of the ship — or else I would be executed .
16 Then I ask my neighbour , also a paan seller , to double check for me before I return the change to the customer or else I would be cheated .
17 It made her feel she had to stay there or else he 'd be in worse trouble . ’
18 And , or else he 'd be severely injured that he 's got the , the family rest of their life having to look after him and and could kill somebody .
19 I possessed a built-in Wigg pacifier that enabled reasonable transactions to be completed where otherwise he would be totally unreasonable .
20 At the time it was hoped that eventually it would be possible to refine the quantitative distinctions between the performance of men and machines so that allocation of function decisions would be unambiguous ( Wuffeck and Zeitlin , 1962 ) , but this has not happened .
21 And so because of that sense of ill ease of fit , we decided that perhaps it would be appropriate for the assembly council to look at where this work ought to most comfortably go .
22 While remaining head of state , he resigned forthwith as head of the MPR , declaring that henceforth he would be above party politics and not subject to political or legislative control , but would act as " arbiter and final judge " on important matters .
23 ‘ There is no reason why these proposals should be published this week or even next week , although obviously it would be sensible to publish them soon . ’
24 Clearly , those who drafted the Directive thought that normally it would be in the interests of the employee to transfer with the business .
25 Then she heard the click of the door and she turned , acknowledged the sudden lurch in the pit of her stomach , a half-hope that somehow there would be something he could say that would make things all right .
26 But she had not thought much about it because of the hint — reading between the lines — that soon they would be together always .
27 As she stood barefoot on the cold boards , she comforted herself with the thought that soon it would be spring , daffodils would raise proud trumpets to nod in the soft breezes and in the fields beyond the town lambs would be born .
28 Corbett realised that soon it would be Michaelmas and these were the Rogation Days when the priest blessed the soil and asked God 's help for the sowing and future harvest .
29 As for me , I had to wait the whole summer and into the late autumn for rehearsals of The Jungle Book to begin , so I went back to South London , happy in the knowledge that soon I 'd be in a professional production and there 'd be someone in the cast for me to fall in love with .
30 I said that soon he would be in the Air Force and no longer a financial burden on Elfed , and , even more than that , when the war was over he would be a wage-earner at something or other , and would be able to help Elfed and Cis ; what was more , Elfed would be already well aware that the liability he resented would become an asset he welcomed .
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