Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] [adv prt] of " in BNC.

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1 Maybe there was no death , but an accident affecting the personality , someone changed beyond recognition , or just drifted out of touch .
2 The Spirit of Romance is undertaken on the principle that Pound never ceased to hammer home , notably in How To Read and The ABC of Reading : the principle that no one can understand the history of poetry in English unless he or she takes note of poetry in , or responsibly translated out of , other languages than English .
3 It is approached along a forty-mile-long fiord and the approach instructions are that the pilot should turn left at the entrance by the sunken freighter that sticks up in the fiord , or else run out of airspace and crash into the sheer mountains that rise to seven thousand feet at the end of it .
4 If you do n't like it tell him so , or else stay out of his reach . ’
5 These latter would normally have to reduce their rates in order to remain competitive — or ultimately go out of business .
6 … I mean a completely different development arising from computer logic but as unimaginable to us now as a Shakespearean character would have been to an oral-epic culture , and a different way of thinking about and rendering … all worldly phenomena , as revolutionary as the scientific spirit that slowly emerged out of the Renaissance and the Gutenberg galaxy .
7 ‘ Real , or are they saying that just to keep out of trouble ? ’
8 And can the virtue that thus went out of the spiritual reality called England ever be restored ?
9 ‘ There are more fish in the sea than ever came out of it , as my nurse used to say ! ’
10 ‘ I 'm more determined than ever to stay out of trouble , ’ he said .
11 They ran a fleet of slow , chain-driven lorries , a type that quickly went out of fashion in the ‘ twenties .
12 For all the pay rises in the world , the finest thing that ever came out of the pit was a bath .
13 The development of Clayton 's first course — a guinea fowl terrine with apple , celery and shallot dressing — is typical of many that now come out of kitchen .
14 It did n't really happen overnight , I guess , but through the MainMan News , MainMan kind of mushroomed into this enormous spending machine that really got out of control and I think was a very destructive influence on everyone that was involved . ’
15 If the OCU does not reform then it will be a sad day , at the very least this unique RAF institution should have been allowed to ‘ go out ’ in style rather than simply vanish out of the back door .
16 Probably the best place to start is Murlough Bay , reached by one of those narrow , winding roads that unnervingly dips out of sight so you wonder whether it continues or not .
17 And though the Hook and Cray maintain , in traditional 12-bar manner , that it 's the ‘ Same Old Blues Again ’ , in truth , something more is on offer , especially when John Lee picks up his National Steel to weave an eccentric neo-Nashville way through ‘ Hittin' The Bottle Again ’ , a song that surely dropped out of George Jones ' back-pocket one hazy , half-forgotten night .
18 Broad and deep , it runs over a rocky bed that sometimes breaks out of the river to form steep rocky islands midstream .
19 Yet there is in him something that neither arises out of culture nor contributes directly to it .
20 She took the first one and began to skim through it , reading the cold , scientific sentences — sentences that occasionally broke out of the narrow straight-jacket of accepted reporting , unable to conceal the excitement of the men who had written them .
21 But it 's the one thing that actually comes out of the premium before the units are bought , because it 's a percentage .
22 They must have walked for at least three miles and eventually came out of the wood and on to a pathway which led to a crossroads .
23 In another murder case , after a 19-year-old youth had been found guilty of a stabbing murder in Oakley Street , a woman who had given crucial evidence against him was ill-treated by neighbours and eventually turned out of her Oakley Street home amidst ‘ a terrible scene ’ .
24 The shot we require is of an American Trident missile being launched from a submarine and eventually going out of control .
25 ‘ He put me on the spot and eventually pulled out of the deal as much as I did .
26 I tell you I was flabbergasted and right terrified out of my wits .
27 New South Wales , on the other hand , ran in six tries to win quite convincingly in the end , although it has to be said in Scotland 's defence that they came close on several occasions to scoring a try and only slipped out of range in the last five minutes when they conceded two tries , both of which were converted .
28 Allan , too , had qualified but poor Todd Bennett pulled a hamstring in the home straight and literally leapt out of the Championships .
29 Semiconductor regulators are unable to provide the peak current requirements of the servos and will current limit and thus drop out of regulation .
30 As a result of the threatened strike — in which the women 's participation would have been crucial — Neill 's came to a separate agreement with the men , signed the memorial and thus dropped out of the dispute during the month of August .
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