Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] me [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One more story about O : he told me ( it was as if he was trying to explain the oddity of his lovemaking to me , as if he was trying to account for or apologise for the way he 'd treated me , or perhaps to reassure me concerning the effect he 'd had on me , I do n't know ) , in the morning he told me that there was one man , this had been just a couple of years previously , there was one man who had summoned him to his bedside to be counted amongst a farewell gathering of lovers , dear friends and great passions .
2 Or maybe use me as the basis for tissue culture , body-bank , whatever . ’
3 ‘ I persuaded her once or twice to meet me at the ruined tower .
4 Of course I am not advocating a return to the kind of education that so wounded me as a child .
5 There are fewer elephants about up here erm and er the issue that obviously concerns me from the development point of view is the is the time scale , is the process rather , that that the planning policy would im would imply .
6 It was the violent jolting of our wheels on the sleepers that finally woke me to the realisation that Ward had switched from the road to the railway line itself and was bumping his way along the track towards the gaping mouth of a tunnel .
7 But the thing that always concerns me about these kind of decisions under those kind of circumstances is that it might be a temporary depression : in other words a suicide wish , and this is a terrifically difficult issue that is bantered about a lot under these kind of circumstances , and normally , if someone says ‘ Kill me , ’ you figure they 're crazy .
8 One of the things that always puzzles me about archives is it seems to me that there must be a limited number of archives , and there are an awful number of historians .
9 In fact , we did go down there for a week to explore the possibilities , and I admitted that it was n't what it was and that the rosy glow that still suffused me at the very name was probably nostalgia for my touring days , when it was the most prestigious of all the dates .
10 I got on my bike and went back to the house a bit recklessly , shooting through puddles on the path and taking the Jump — a bit on the path where there 's a long downhill on a dune and then a short uphill where it 's easy to leave the ground — at a good forty kilometres per hour , landing with a muddy thump that nearly had me in the whin bushes and left me with a very sore bum , making me want to keep opening my mouth with the feeling of it .
11 Both these performances ( Brendel 's deeply personal , Zimerman 's of a regality and integrity that often reminded me of Lipatti ) resolve every novel or arresting idea into a far greater sense of continuity , overall grandeur and maturity .
12 Mm that 's what that girl 's just said to me you get a lot of erm , she said he 'll know it 's hard and I was saying that you know I , I put all me eggs in one basket with that , I mean that really knocked me for six
13 I wrote : ‘ These are the questions that really bug me about you .
14 my Lord , my Lord erm my Lord that really brings me to what are , er my conclusions , my Lord erm , can I just practice my conclusions with two erm comments , first of all about the , the my learned friend seems to paint erm in relation to this of course Mr made a point quite strongly that he agrees this is a relevant consideration and that er have exaggerated the situation and if they are willing to make a point a like this it would require evidence , they did point to their accounts , Lord erm I do n't see to put in evidence , but the , the statutory statement of business served er filed by on the first of September this year with the D T I , revealed that has a total of sixteen and a half billion in it 's members premium trust funds which is up four billion from the end of the previous year , erm , set against that the claims now made against the names is , is relatively speaking er small , erm my Lord
15 Because certainly the thing that particularly struck me about these design and technology A levels which so often seem to be sort of er erm a contrived project , not not a real one .
16 Another thing that seriously disappoints me about this life I 'm living through : the reading .
17 Fey was something they would tell me I had just invented , but it is something that never left me during the entire period I was an Instructor and sadly I was to learn very shortly after he left Kinloss that he did not survive very long on the squadron that he joined .
18 Into the uneasy silence , while brother looked most earnestly at brother , and wondered , and sought or evaded the eyes of his neighbours , Brother Cadfael said : ‘ Brother Abbot , I have thoughts to share that never visited me until this morning , but are become very relevant now .
19 I was terrified that if I criticized him he would take offence and leave me , if not permanently , then for a few days , without giving me a sign of life , and so leaving me in anguish .
20 Perhaps that was one of the reasons which prompted my father to teach me to read , and so divert me from my inexorable pursuit of my mother .
21 I do n't think a person told I do n't think a person told to apologize is n't rea really an apology so I think there must be a reason why you did n't and so told me on Sunday why you did n't .
22 ‘ It was quite usual for me to take on this sort of job but it was n't usual for him to make an appointment for me and only tell me at the last minute , especially when it meant working after hours .
23 and only stuck me on the payroll
24 By the time I was thirteen I already had a 36-inch bust , and during games lessons other girls would snigger , make remarks , and generally treat me like an abnormality .
25 I was dead happy there and then , all of a sudden , they came one day and just moved me to another home .
26 And my people , the men and maidservants who came running , he confined as you see , each in a glass bottle , and finally closed me into the glass coffin in which you found me .
27 I meet an eager mob of fifty Class 2 children in Swaziland and a large lady who had taught every single one of them to read , determined collectively and individually to hold me in the classroom until they have proved it true .
28 She had a soft voice and always put me at my ease .
29 He accepted my apologies for my appearance and quickly put me at ease , saying he had been a close friend of my father and was delighted to meet his son .
30 Eileen herself is very friendly and down-to-earth and quickly puts me at ease .
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