Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , if someone is looking agitated or clearly fuming with anger , indicate openly that you can see they are upset .
2 A section cut and polished through the specimen ( on the right ) shows the internal chambers filled or partly filled with calcite .
3 The technique is therefore very powerful in the examination of systems that are chemically inhomogeneous , or even varying with time .
4 As I took my place with two jamjars in my first Saturday morning kids matinee queue , apprehensive lest the currency had been devalued or even replaced with money , I observed that not only were Royals the heroes in the films but that my choice of cinema was between the Queens and the Royal , and I was warned that before the performance you were supposed to stand for the pianist 's rendition of ‘ God Save the King ’ .
5 On the other hand , if one reads between the lines , or simply attends with care to domestic allusions , signs of incipient change are numerous .
6 Much , though not all , of the Earth 's tectonic , volcanic and seismic activity is directly or indirectly associated with movement between neighbouring plates .
7 If , however , we insist that the scribes were simply careless or poorly acquainted with English , we shall be inclined ( as many scholars have been ) to reject the evidence and date this sound-change much later — at a time when it was actually completed in ‘ standard ’ English .
8 He may regard them as curious examples of another civilization or occasionally view with incredulity the ways of city people and industrial workers , but he will only regard them with envy when television reinforces the evaluations already implanted personally by friends and kin with whom he identifies .
9 Five items from the Christmas Numbers that properly belong with Christmas Stories were included : ‘ The Poor Relation 's Story ’ , ‘ The Child 's Story ’ , ‘ The Schoolboy 's Story ’ , ‘ Nobody 's Story ’ , and ‘ A Christmas Tree ’ — see under their respective titles for these pieces .
10 Exercise on this level will calm the mind , improve digestion and increase the metabolic rate of the body , enabling us to detoxify and provide the vitality that only comes with balance .
11 He 's a floating penguin that literally toots with joy when he is pushed down under the water .
12 Yet one of the striking characteristics of Shakespeare 's Sonnets is that they exist on an almost universal level ; they are generalized ( with none of the depersonalization that usually goes with generalization ) ; they are widely , perhaps indefinitely applicable .
13 It may be a weak government and , although formally invested with state power , does not or can not use it .
14 The kindest man that ever struck with sword ? , modern readers reflect .
15 To identify proteins that directly interact with CREB we have used a protein blotting or Far Western technique to probe crude nuclear extracts from F9 cells .
16 From the book he 'd just put down he knew that vast tracts of virgin tropical forest covered those mountainsides and large areas of the lowlands too ; in the book there w.ere sepia-tinted photographs of primitive tribesmen who still hunted with stone-tipped arrows and poison darts in those same forests that also teemed with elephant herds , tiger , buffalo , black bears and countless other rare species of animal life that had been left undisturbed by the march of civilization .
17 On the first leg of the flight to Tehran , courtesy of one of the aircraft that also helped with contra resupply , North told Cave ‘ This is Democracy Airlines , ’ and laughed ; Cave had no notion what he meant .
18 The confidence that often comes with maturity can help us to voice our sexual preferences to our partners in a way which we may have been inhibited about in the past , and the ability to communicate sexual needs gives a good foundation for a satisfying relationship .
19 You can hear them from a long way now what you do is you sit them down and let them take up their own particular position , you can , if they 've got their medication their Ventilin or whatever , you can put it beside them , they will know if they need to take it or not , get them with the fresh air and let them take up their own position which is usually leaning forward so that it expands their lungs , talk to them about something different because sometimes well they 've got to think of what to answer you , it 's relaxing those tubes , now if they 're taking their medication and it does n't work within about five minutes get them to hospital , because the only people that really die with asthma are those that have taken medication and keep saying I 'll give it a few more minutes , give it a few more minutes and if they 're getting worse and worse they 're leaving it too long .
20 Although often associated with structuralism , semiotic analysts is involved in the details of representation and signification , while structuralism proper eschewed this concern with a drive towards more abstract models of cognition and culture .
21 Although well acquainted with rejection notices , we were unprepared for the criticisms of this paper .
22 One is the failure to understand the radical hostility of communism to mankind as a whole — the failure to realise that communism is irredeemable , that there exist no ‘ better' ’ variants of communism : that it is incapable of growing ‘ ‘ kinder' ’ , that it can not survive as an ideology without using terror and that consequently to co-exist with communism on the same planet is impossible .
23 And another by a vast flame-coloured tapestry that almost flickered with heat .
24 PREGNANCY ( or GESTATION ) — A status or condition of a woman that ordinarily begins with implantation of the fertilized ovum in the uterus , and lasts until the fetus is aborted or a birth occurs .
25 They argue that unseemly haggling with Congress will allow the momentum of the referendum victory to seep away .
26 Erm , I heard Mr Curtis say that the shortfall of affordable houses was seven hundred , he had a target of two thousand two hundred and felt they could find fifteen hundred somewhere already , so another shortfall of of seven hundred that actually contrasts with para' four one one of the one eleven should I say , four one eleven , of the York housing strategy , which has been submitted , and appendix four of the York evidence which actually says that , yes there 's a two thousand two hundred target , but there would still be a shortfall of about one thousand one hundred dwellings if this land , they 're talking about land that they own outside of York , is developed for affordable housing .
27 There are now only two places in the country that actually deal with tetanus poisoning .
28 for example , in her solo in Ashton 's Cinderella the Winter Fairy moves across the stage in a series of pas de bourrée en tournantà terre , the feet weaving their in-and-out pattern as the arms flick to and fro sparkling with frost .
29 I believe that the Scriptures speak of God as Father , that Christ was incarnate as a male , that he chose men to be his apostles … not because of social conditioning , but because in the order of creation headship and authority is symbolically and fundamentally associated with maleness .
30 An unusual discovery of recent date proved to be the so-called Sebasteion ( after Sebastos , Greek equivalent of Augustus ) , a striking building complex dedicated to Aphrodite and the cult of the emperor Augustus and his Julio-Claudian dynasty , and lavishly decorated with relief sculpture .
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