Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] would also have " in BNC.

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1 Fergus did not say it , but he thought that Dierdriu would hear the cry , and he thought , as well , that she would also have experienced the immense lonelinesses , the sudden fierce panics , because it was inevitable that when you were a creature not quite Human , you would instinctively look for your own kind .
2 For example , he is showing the Metropolitan 's ‘ Venus and Adonis ’ , although he would also have borrowed the one recently auctioned at Christie 's and bought by the Getty Museum , had it not been in restoration .
3 The translator could have used the feminine form of the verb , but s/he possibly felt that it would also have been marked or that it might have unnecessarily excluded potential male users .
4 Pascoe said : ‘ I do understand that it would also have been blackmail but in the circumstances I was n't adopting a very high moral position .
5 But as he walked , he became more and more convinced that he would also have to tell him about Surere .
6 Hamlet is up against not just a man , but a king , he will have to strike when the king is unarmed , And he would also have to be able to explain his actions , and yet even his mother does not believe him , but only see him as mad
7 Not only was she exultant at the thought of a holiday in London , but she would also have a week removed from the constant worry of Gareth Davis .
8 As a master of the long line himself , Karajan would probably have endorsed some of Boult 's sentiments ( many of Karajan 's recordings have been put down more or less in a series of single takes ) , but he would also have agreed to an extent with Gould that ‘ good splices ’ can also ‘ build good lines ’ .
9 But he would also have concluded that its ability to survive into the next century would depend upon the character and common sense of Prince Charles .
10 Not only would this have amounted to abandonment of a well-established principle ( not a thing welcome to lawyers ) , but it would also have threatened the stability of contracts of sale .
11 In this case a gold frame was chosen to match another picture in the bedroom , but it would also have looked attractive in a pastel pink frame or one made from pine or a darker wood , depending on the room for which it was intended .
12 The draft directive has , however , been criticised because not only would it extend data protection to manual data such as card indexes exempt under much existing legislation but it would also have a substantial impact on charities which depend on direct mail to get support and sponsorship .
13 However , once in the system it is difficult for him to move to higher-paid employment in another industry , for he would also have to find housing elsewhere for himself and his family .
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