Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] 's [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 She said there 's these hills where it 's hot and rains all the time , and in the rain forests there are these very tall trees and right in the top branches of the trees there are these like great big flowers called … bromeliads , I think , and water gets into the flowers and makes little pools and there 's a type of frog that lays eggs in the pools and tadpoles hatch and grow into new frogs and these little frogs live their whole lives in the flowers right at the top of the trees and do n't even know about the ground and once you know the world is full of things like that your life is never the same . ’
2 And there 's these hills where it 's hot and rains all the time , and in the rain forests there are these very tall trees and right in the top branches of the trees there are these like great big flowers called bromeliads and water gets into the flowers and makes little pools and there 's a type of frog that lays eggs in the pools and tadpoles hatch and grow into new frogs and these little frogs live their whole lives in the flowers right at the top of the trees and do n't even know about the ground and the world is full of things like that and now I know about them and I 'm never ever going to be able to see them and then you , ’ she gulped for breath , ‘ want me to come and live with you in a hole and wash your socks ! ’
3 In here where it 's nice and sunny ?
4 Then one of the kids yells that the tap has run cold , and they turn it off and bathroom and shuts the door , and the kids shriek in the water and I drift slowly back to our bedroom where it 's quiet and drab .
5 ‘ I mean , not that she 's pregnant or anything , but — ’
6 And say back to Sarah confirm that she 's right but just use those words .
7 Yeah , so I said well you know because I was thinking oh god if I go to college and she 's off bloody sick all the time , but I think it 's just that she 's tired and you know
8 She 'll soon realise that she 's safe and that the world wo n't bite .
9 Then he said , ‘ It 's nothing to do with what 's right or wrong , just that she 's old and she 's got nowhere to go . ’
10 Why should the fact that she 's ill and helpless make any difference ?
11 Her conclusion , which mark Shearman 's photos support fully , is that she 's relaxed and ready to run against all comers .
12 Although it 's disagreeable and stressful ( bull and stressful )
13 Independent advice er comes from major brokers , the banks and building societies have come out of independent advice pretty well , because they 've decided that it 's expensive and a hassle , cos we 're regulated all the time and of course it makes , we 've , we 've got to analyze the products on the market , so we 've got to pay people to do that .
14 Many people who have not been sailing before , many parents are worried about their youngsters , think that it 's dangerous and whatever and we have all this information , we have all these checks , we have a wonderful education scheme er within our own organization in this country and we should go out and sell that and I think we , a lot of it 's going on already and I do n't decry that and we need to just market that a little better to get more youngsters on the water because once we get more youngsters on the water the pyramid gets wider , the building gets higher , so that 's an important issue
15 lost something and I ca n't , I ca n't find it and I 'm looking and I 'm , and ee , and er , a bit of a noise or anything I 'm looking backwards is coming and then I realize he 's not there any more to come and then other days I just feel like I 'm dangling in the air and can see the , the ground and I ca n't touch it with my feet , just somewhere right , right out , it 's not real , not real you know and then you go , you get back to with a bump and know that it 's real and then it just feels left , nothing else , you ca n't help yourself in any other way .
16 Can I close by thanking Rod our Chief Racing Coach for what I thought was a very excellent presentation of the R Y A Ye Year of Youth Sailing and I have great pleasure in launching that initiative for ts er this year 's Earls Court Boat Show again it seems horribly self evident that it 's only through increasing the involvement of the young that we assure thriving clubs and associations and classes for the future but nobody up here is going to say that it 's easy and I believe though that the work that the official , the officers and the R Y A put together will make it easier than it once was and I hope that the literature that they have put together and the programme that they have put together will be a help to all of you so please make use of it .
17 that it 's easy and it 's never quite the right time for everybody and this is er tremendously widespread .
18 Well there 's one which I did make ; erm we have a dreadful housing situation in Oxford , and I do n't think Phyllis and I would disagree that it 's appalling and erm a lot of it 's outside our control .
19 As small talk is so indirect , you may have a sense that it 's pretentious and dishonest .
20 Some people have the view that it 's self-indulgent or self-centred to seek help for difficulties .
21 I care deeply about the comedy in the movie , that it 's well-executed and fresh .
22 We could note , and I think that it 's right and prudent to do so , that the current levels of interest rates are at their lowest historically for some twenty years .
23 So in other words that kind of dream represents an extreme example of erm of an aborted dream , but the very fact that it 's repetitive and you keep having them , Freud would say , is , is a demonstration of the fundamental idea , th that the dream attempts to try and put the past right as it were , you try and dream about it , but you fail all the time .
24 Yes , I 'm not saying that it 's perfect and they do their whack , I did n't say that .
25 Home burials are particularly important to children , partly because it helps them to understand that the pet has gone forever and also because seeing their parents ' sorrow teaches them that it 's normal and acceptable to grieve .
26 And once we 've clipped the nails , we actually file the nail so that it 's nice and smooth and it does n't catch on your tights or it does n't catch on the sheets at night .
27 that , that it 's nice and shapely , you know .
28 And one and two , that 's it , got it , erm , the , better we just do to check that it 's correct and to remind you for rhythm , is listen to those , because those are exactly the same as those .
29 News is that it 's alive and well in Eau Claire , Wisconsin , and is even considering an initial public offering of shares — and IBM Corp , which holds a large minority stake , will be marketing and supporting the SS-1 when it comes out .
30 You get wet , sweaty , but there 's nothing to dry the sweat off , not sweating and drying off , so they feel clammy , okay , so we 've looked at their colour and we 've felt their skin and we 've felt that it 's horrible and clammy and cold , what about their pulse , we 've gone down to the pulse now
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