Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] 's [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Does that rain mean it 's off the coast or it 's in our area ?
2 ‘ If a son of mine 'as no feeling for this land , it 's better that 'e 's off it . ’
3 Now that she 's off me , I can manage a better look .
4 That 's why she to say to you that she 's on your side .
5 Robin Day told me he had seen her lunching yesterday with Ralph Grunte — it 's rumoured that she 's after his seat .
6 Extra vitamins , especially B. And I think the medical social worker , once she 's over her present hangover .
7 But er I w I would think , although it 's before my time , I would think that er of what I 've heard my father talking about these early days , there was great enthusiasm for motorcycles and of course some of the early registered numbers you 'll find that there 's many of them were motorcycles , the young men of the town who had probably been cyclists , quite a number of them er took up this motorcycling and they made their own motorcycles so were buying either kits and er even manufacturing the tanks and these things themselves .
8 And , as Mark himself said , when asked whether he had any words of advice for those who might follow in his footsteps , ‘ I would tell them that it 's worth it if the alternative is that they die . ’
9 And it gave lots and lots of work to our colleagues and you know , when , when I say that er I think I made a comment that at that time , er had made the , the , the comment about er the winds of change and that er you know we were never better off , well really the unemployment figures were so low at that time that it 's to my mind you know , a truism .
10 I do n't think the script 's up to scratch , and the whole thing 's underbudgeted , but one thing I will say for it is that it 's ABOUT something .
11 I mean I think the message that they were communicating last was that it 's about them being appearing to be a good
12 I was just gon na say , I I think we should possibly stop blaming the media or whatever actually happens and perhaps echo what the the lady earlier said , I think that it 's in our hands , we 're the women that could make this happen !
13 You beg , steal or borrow £1,000 , then get your bank to certify that it 's in your account before you return the cash .
14 ‘ I know if I happen to find a bunch that 's been thrown out 'cause it 's past its best , I can likely get a threepenny piece for it at the railway station .
15 ‘ The great thing is that he 's over his glandular fever and has ended all the speculation about his future by signing a new contract .
16 ‘ We talk about him a lot and feel that he 's with us .
17 In that he 's like his great-grandfather . ‘
18 Afterwards in the Shoulder of Mutton ( Kneeton Park 1 Knayton 1 ) it transpired that he 's in what used to be known as Tin Pan Alley probably the only manager in the Hambleton Combination ( third division ) who 's also been a manager of the Bay City Rollers .
19 ‘ Only that the British will keep quiet about the fact that he 's in their hands . ’
20 So he 's on his way to Greenwich ? ’
21 he walked up to the over here , so he 's on his way up that side somewhere .
22 Once it 's on it 's way it 's done .
23 Once it 's on you ca n't get it off mind .
24 ‘ Then you 'll just have to wait until she 's over it .
25 ‘ Yes , she needs a change of clothes until she 's on her feet and can do her own shopping , ’ said Joe .
26 No I means , basically it means that it gets to her head really quickly like one , two glasses of wine and she 's off her trolley .
27 And you know i if a chil a child is bruised , very often erm you know if it it especially with you know , maybe a mother who has a few children to look after , and she 's on her own twenty four hours a day with them .
28 And she 's on her own , and so next year
29 She said she 's just went on she go she a after your removal today she got on a boat at Southampton , and she 's on her way to Australia .
30 That , that woman yeah she 's upstairs and you go up there in the morning and she 's on her hands and knees on your carpet sweeping your carpet cos she has n't got a hoover .
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