Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] 's [adv] go " in BNC.

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1 If you do n't tell him it though and you assume he 's gon na to pick it up just by looking at your eyes he 's not going to or she 's not going to pick it up .
2 There is some professional resistance , in the sense that people who 've done a lot of work on programming get used to certain sorts of languages , and if you make proposals about teaching some new way of dealing with computers , they throw up their hands in horror , and object that this is going to be inefficient , or it 's not going to prepare people adequately for what goes on in industry , or whatever .
3 And for a female it may be possible that she 's not going to get a full pension anyway , she may have er had time out , not paid contributions right the way through etcetera .
4 and she said my sister spends I mean , we 're now talking about nineteen seventy my sister spends twelve and six a week on things from for the house on the hire purchase if she ever truly runs into debt she 'll save part of the cost of the thing , you know and then she knows that she 's always going to have to put twelve and six a week aside but she does that and buys things for the house and you see if you 've got if you 've got that little bit of extra coming in it 's quite well it 's like my lodgers , Brenda if I could n't if I could n't get what I need from my lodgers well Neil pays me Neil 's house rent which thirty pound a week
5 ‘ And she likes the house to stay just the same , ’ she remarked to Fru Gertlinger , as she swept back through the green-baize door for yet more toast , ‘ so she 's not going to object to the blue room being returned to its former colours .
6 she is one wanting er referrals from Mr so she 's not going to say oh well you know there 's something wrong there , you know ?
7 Except it 's not going to be me .
8 I 'm determined that it 's not going to happen to me , but if people were to stop buying my work I would continue painting , so it would n't make that much difference .
9 One would like to think that it 's not going to happen here .
10 I 'm determined that it 's not going to happen to me , but if people were to stop buying my work I would continue painting , so it would n't make that much difference .
11 Consequently , they 're always coming in a bit behind the boys because the boys have been playing for a bit longer , and I think it 's very important that if girls are being offered the opportunity that the opportunity is good for them , and that it 's not going to put them off the game of football because they 're always in the position where the boys consider themselves a bit better .
12 ‘ No , it seems evident that it 's not going to happen tonight unless your mood undergoes a drastic change . ’
13 It 's just to say that it 's not going up as much as they thought .
14 Happily carrying on doing that it 's not going to be every enquiry has to do that .
15 The long term trend is that it 's actually going to be more room at the top of the market I think .
16 And what we say is , and what we 're trying to put over , I 'm su I 'm sure you 're fully aware of yourselves , is that it 's no good going around driving your drives thinking that it 's never going to happen to you .
17 It seems that it 's really going to happen .
18 I just know it 's more complicated than it 's ever going to seem in the newspapers .
19 Every time he buys me something I think it is proof that he 's not going to kill me or do anything else unpleasant .
20 Well I think that we have shown that we 're prepared to support Gorbachev in so far as er peace reform in the Soviet Union , but I think we 've got to look towards our own security in the West and we 've done very well with NATO , with the defensive block NATO over the last 40 years or so , and until we can have cast iron guarantees that Gorbachev is going to be secure and that he 's actually going to carry out his promises we 've got to keep our guard up .
21 I do n't share , Maria , so he 's just going to have to postpone the resumption of your affair until I 'm done with you . ’
22 So he 's not going to give way ? ’
23 And my father 's said he 's going to help me with the fees , so it 's all going to work out . ’
24 ‘ I 've promised to take Claudia away for the weekend , and she 's not going to let me off it even though we 're so shorthanded .
25 I was always the buffer between the two , I used to say I agree with you dear , I do n't want her to wear nylons , that 's not the point , all her friends are wearing nylons and she 's not going to be the
26 And she 's not going to .
27 ‘ She wants me to give it up and she 's really going to kick my tail this time , ’ he said .
28 This is not going to disappear overnight , it 's going to affect her for a long time , and she 's never going to catch up on the work that she 's missed over the last couple of months by having seven teachers in six weeks .
29 No she does to you though cos she 's always going on about other people talking about other people .
30 Obviously I do n't want a wife of Peter 's around the place if she 's not going to behave in a civil manner to me . ’
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