Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] had [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I told her that I had you at work then yesterday , right , she says oh no another one , right , and ended up
2 ‘ You see that I had you in my mind ! ’
3 I got quite a lot of reading done — John managed to persuade one of the nice Italian staff at the British Council Library to let me have two more books than my five allowed , so I had them on her ticket !
4 Ellen was sure now that she had him for her own and most likely thought it a fair return for her investment of time and trouble .
5 Ronni smiled a small smile , grateful that the subject of Jeff and Silvia had been left behind , and enjoying , for once , the fact that she had him at a disadvantage .
6 And a clothes horse , so she had it in her lounge .
7 Chemistry had also had symbols , but the problem was that it had them in profusion .
8 That he had it in mind to adopt a child .
9 So he wanted more life cover , but he obviously on his old plan could n't sustain that to the same period of time , so he had it for a shorter period of time , the ten years , and when it dropped , he dropped down again .
10 ‘ I bought my first one in 1974 and I had it at least ten years .
11 Right , that 's it , that 'll do , I wo n't go any further and I can get the other things in well we had er , we had an aluminium friend , a double glazed enormous window over our landing and it was , the aluminium was so cold and it was conden there was so much condensation that we had a new window P V C put in , but I tried to sell this other window , cos it was beautiful you see , nothing wrong with it except you know , but nobody wanted it and I kept it and I had it for about two years standing outside and then I thought I can use that and I cut , it was a three section , three lots of glass all in one , cut down , divide it into two and one , and got myself a plant house under the erm
12 and I had it on right and he came in right , and I was going , he was going , a long conversation all about little Harmony and everything and really going onto it , and I went to play it back and it had n't recorded anything .
13 And I had it in mind to ask for an advance . ’
14 One year new chain and I had it in that little on the tree ?
15 Le Grand Meaulnes was short , and I had it by heart quite quickly .
16 And of course we 've always had closed circuit television at the underground car park in Gloucester Green , and I had it from the words of another Conservative Councillor , Councillor Ann Spokes , that she always uses Gloucester Green car park because it is so safe and so secure .
17 Everybody had their own problems and I had mine with losing two the two babies , I had mine wondering if I 'd lose another you see and that that was my particular worry at the time .
18 If I had it on a solid floor , but it 's got ta go , do n't forget it 's on a a wooden floor .
19 If I had it in me , Lily thought , to promise …
20 And he said , I had all that and that 's why every time you called me something I just kept laughing cos I had it on tape .
21 Cos I had it for a month , cos I did n't know whether I was gon na like it , I 'd never been on one before and er I 'd heard Judith say that you could feel claustrophobic , you know , with it over you
22 and she had them from May Porteswell .
23 And she had him in turmoil !
24 I had mine in a cone , with wafers stuck in the top that I used to eat it with , but Cati sat down and she had hers with a spoon , out of a glass , sitting up on one of those stools … . ’
25 and she had it in a sort of
26 Cos she had them in a plastic bag .
27 I do n't know why you would want to kill them , but I 'm sure that you would if you had them in your hands .
28 ‘ You 'd be questioned fast enough at the gate-house , seal or no seal , ’ said Harry gloomily , ‘ if you had me with you . ’
29 But if you had me on the table or on the trolley in intensive care — the submarine blip of the oscilloscope ( like a lost code ) , the richly sighing respirator-then I 'd be going , going , tumbling end over end .
30 Well you see at the Penny Farthing she 's supervisor , everyone think she 's if you had her in your house and told her what to do she 'll do it , but , she needs , she 'll be quite .
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