Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [was/were] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I quite liked it where I were yesterday cos he were alright , him .
2 At a certain point you may appear to be back where you were before but you can not quite be sure .
3 So were you born here moved to Malton , moved back here and then moved to Malton or you were here and they you moved to Malton when she lived there ?
4 New labour relations are being introduced in industries where they were technologically or politically unthinkable a decade ago .
5 It was declared the best policy was for the ‘ sent down ’ youth to remain where they were so that they could make their valuable contribution to the motherland on the ‘ agricultural front ’ , as in previous decades .
6 Just where he was now and where he was heading was uncertain , this possibly having much to do with the non-arrival of Murray and the Steward , since both would be coming from the West Country and Balliol was thought to be marching southwards down the middle of the land .
7 Where it was twice or three times in a year .
8 And , although I was instantaneously and utterly in love with you — and quite determined that we should marry as soon as possible — I have been trying my damnedest to keep some kind of control over my emotions . ’
9 I woke up in the middle of the night to find that I was completely and utterly saturated .
10 He could see that I was slowly but surely getting back to my old self , and to my own poetry .
11 So , anyway , I must have been downstairs doing something and I do n't ne sh sh I did n't know what time this interview feller was coming only , that I was downstairs and I heard Tracey say , oh what 's his name then Mike ?
12 I got home that night full of excitement , a state which was quickly changed when my mother discovered that I was well and truly inundated with horse fleas .
13 I left out any reference to brutality in our lives and assured them that I was well and healthy , which I was .
14 Wilkinson added : ‘ When I am old and grey I will tell people that I was there when Eric Cantona scored that goal against Chelsea . ’
15 I 'm the company secretary , so it was essential that I was there and , as our timetables kept being shifted , I could see Martin looking at me as if to say is she going to make it ?
16 Tom and Brian saw that I was down and worked very hard to bring me back up .
17 I am considering all the things now that I was then and may try to qualify for the US Senior Tour in November .
18 I replied somewhat heatedly that I was more or less on duty , visiting men in the hospital .
19 The day was moving on faster than I was now and a heat haze shimmered over the Tarn as I came to its banks to sit and eat my lunch .
20 ‘ At Bulawayo we had 45,000 crowds for club games and I made my international debut at 14 , so I was n't that ‘ wowed ’ to arrive in England . ’
21 Then suddenly I get a call saying , ‘ We are going on the road , ’ so I was in and it was fantastic .
22 Then your people telephoned a while back to say that you 'd gone to investigate , so I was more than half expecting you . "
23 Once I was inside and looking at the space I had and the needs I had identified , I saw my task differently from the people who had come out of production , many of whom , whether men or women , continued to want to master/ mistressmind productions themselves as Executive Producer .
24 It seemed that she was right as the Allies crossed the Rhine and swept through Germany .
25 Right , erm I 've actually got down that erm you assumed that his wife was n't a tax pay sorry , his wife was n't a tax payer and you assumed that she was n't working but you did actually pick back up on that later that she was n't that she was n't going back to work after having the children so erm tt that is now irrelevant but it was at the time that you were saying it , that you did n't actually pick it up .
26 She had allowed her emotions to run wild over common sense and , now that she was well and truly embroiled in an impossible situation , found that her every reaction was triggered by her heart rather than her head .
27 So here Belinda was , with that naked feeling she always got when she looked at her wet hair and towel-draped neck under the bright lights of a salon , and she very much hoped that Faye was right about the end result looking ‘ fabulous ’ , because she was determined to show everyone at drinks this evening that she was just as soignée , just as at ease in a smart social gathering as they were .
28 He surely did n't think that she was here because of him !
29 Amazingly , that weekend in Harare all those years ago was the foundation upon which Luke had built his belief that she was romantically and sexually involved with Florian .
30 Through the following warm hazy days of summer , Laura had realised that she was suddenly and magically in love , for the first time in her life .
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