Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [is] also a " in BNC.

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1 Community policing is a preventive rather than a crime control made of policing and in the United Kingdom it has become associated in the popular image particularly with those inner-city areas where crime rates have risen sharply and where police relations with ethnic minorities have deteriorated , although it is also a response to the police 's loss of contact with other sections of the community , especially young people ( Schaffer 1980 ) .
2 For instance , Falmouth may be called a tourist resort , although it is also a shopping centre for local residents , and it has dockyards , a fishing industry and some light industry .
3 The ATP Tour , Year Two : 1991 , is a book for the enthusiast although it is also a book that you would have no hesitation in showing off to your friends , even those with only a passing interest in the game .
4 Being so central and combined with the fact that it 's also a club Exclusive hotel where you can always be sure of a lively , fun atmosphere and a friendly welcome , it 's hardly surprising that the Catherine is our most popular base in town and comes top of our list for summer ‘ 90 .
5 But it is totally universal as well in that it is also a simple parable , like Dead Poets Society , about the necessity to follow your instincts and not get trapped by the drive to conform .
6 Bergman 's ( 1979 ) comments on Sweden indicate that it is also a belief which has appeared in other countries .
7 One might answer in this case that it is also a typical feature of speech , so should probably be analysed as a contraction and for this reason avoided in academic writing — even if one accepts the idea of a regional/class standard .
8 Noel was present and presenting the Welsh independence in and also Gethyn was present erm I 'd like to see , er , know that Gethyn was representing the Church in Wales apart from the fact that he 's also a baptist .
9 I think that he is also a peer — No , he is not a peer .
10 He will need my attention and as I note from his record that he is also a Roman Catholic by religion , he may also need the ministrations of Father Martin here . ’
11 LIFESPAN 's production overhead is very small , so it is also a cost-effective software management system for small projects .
12 Being at college is a time of great activity for you — intellectual development , physical growth , psychological insight — so it 's also a time when you may well experience particularly vivid dreams .
13 He is not new to the museum world , as he is on the visiting committees of the Metropolitan and of the Freer Art gallery , and he is also a collector , of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art , and of Chinese archaic jades and bronzes .
14 Cases of the latter type , where the adjective is used only to aid identification and does not actually apply to the entity of the phrase , closely resemble the great bulk of noun + noun phrases in their structural value , examples such as : ( 11 ) army manoeuvres the piano factory a sea monster an angle bracket However , even among noun + noun phrases , certain specimens occur which are clearly analogous to the former type ; as in : ( 12 ) a doctor journalist ( or doctor-journalist ) Chancellor Kohl a bed-settee These would permit an affirmative answer to our diagnostic test , although normally it is necessary to allow a little leeway in the shape of an added determiner to allow for this requirement of English : ( 13 ) Maurice is a journalist and he is also a doctor 2.3 It would be useful to have names for the two types of adjectival use , and there are fortunately two terms available which fall in the right semantic area and which have not been pre-empted for any other widely accepted technical linguistic purpose .
15 He is responsible for the Group 's taxation , UK trust and pension services and he is also a well known author of books and articles on taxation .
16 Erm I think the bad news for the honourable member from Stafford is that er Messier Herman is in fact a member of the European peoples party and no doubt no the honourable member with great respect , said that he was a Christian democrat and he 's also a member of the European Peoples party and therefore I hope that the honourable member for Stafford will take that up with his Conservative colleagues , who are very closely connected to the European peoples party , because I hopefully have made clear earlier in my remarks .
17 April is the NHIC 's National Home Improvement Month and it 's also a great time of year to take a look at your home and see what needs doing .
18 And it 's also a pity you ca n't be a little more reasonable .
19 That 's an awful lot of jobs in that , that are n't going to be in Wiltshire next year because you 've reduced it , and it 's also a considerable reduction in the standard of our roads .
20 Providing the exact nutrients ; protecting against infection and allergies ; cheap and convenient ; helps women lose weight after the birth and it 's also a factor in reducing chances of cot death .
21 Fishpool is a way to provide something for local dancers , and it 's also a chance for David and Gaynor to take hold of the creative reins .
22 The film gives peace of mind to the potentially vulnerable , such as the elderly , and to the parents of young children , and it is also a deterrent to the intending intruder .
23 Its characteristic musculature is strongly marked in crossbred offspring , especially from the age of six weeks , and it is also a colour-marking breed : reds and blacks are diluted to salmon pink and a ‘ creamy soot ’ ( pale coffee to agouti ) while whites are often diluted to off-white , but the coat pattern of the dam is often transmitted and a white dorsal stripe is dominant , though ghostly .
24 We intend to place the money in our building fund and it is also a faith-building experience for us to see God blessing us in this way .
25 The lifeworld both provides the basis of meaning on which communicative action can draw and it is also a product of the exchange of meaning that constitutes communicative action .
26 It helps if it is small , and it is also a great advantage if it can easily reach the next tree without having to climb down to the ground and then climb up again .
27 In part a history of this conflict , Hooper 's book is a useful English language reference ; and it is also a personal odyssey .
28 It can have a powerful emotional effect , and it is also a useful aide-mémoire .
29 It is a pleasure in itself , and it is also a psychological event .
30 Now if you 're gon na be writing in software you do n't actually look at it like that maybe and it is also a useful way to generalize these decoders .
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