Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [is] give [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Eliot does not see primitive religion as a necessary basis for Christianity , ‘ I do not believe that Christianity germinates out of natural religion , but that it is given by revelation . ’
2 In drafting the statement of circumstances it should be borne in mind that the auditor enjoys the protection of qualified privilege , ie he will be immune from any action against him in respect of his statement provided it is given in good faith , without malice and does not infringe the general criteria stated in s 394 .
3 If it is to give of its best , however , it must be appreciated and affirmed by being allowed to perform on its own , in addition to leading the singing of the whole congregation .
4 The doctrine of consideration provides that a promise will bind the promisor only if it is given as the price for another 's promise or as the price for an action which involves a detriment to the promisee .
5 To establish good communication with the guests is part of this job ; they are paying for service and how much nicer that service is if it is given with a smile by a person who takes a personal interest !
6 When Malcolm James 's book Born of the Desert — the reminiscences of a doctor with the 1st S.A.S. in the Western Desert — appeared in 1945 , a reviewer wrote : ‘ All men have conscience , but it is given to only a few to have the selflessness to stride out into battle and , by themselves undertaking the combat that has to be done by someone , to satisfy its insistence … ’
7 You need to ask not only whether the actual care is specifically designed for that individual , but also whether it is given at a time that is chosen to suit the person , and possibly family and friends who may be involved .
8 Rye must be soaked in hot water to destroy an anti-growth hormone in the seed coat before it is given to livestock , but triticale kernels can be fed directly to livestock with no harmful side-effects .
9 When the selected material is brought to the sacrificial enclosure in a ceremonial procession , a consecrated ‘ pot ’ or ‘ puma-kumbha ’ is installed and the stone or wood is subjected to set rituals before it is given to the sculptor .
10 It 's a shame that someone as obviously capable of expressing himself as you is given to such bursts of undisguised racism and ignorance .
11 We believe a cup of coffee leaves a nicer taste in your mouth when it 's given to you by name .
12 There is little evidence , however , to correlate serum concentrations after the dose with toxicity , and indeed experimental nephrotoxicity caused by gentamicin is more severe when the total daily dose is divided than when it is given by a single bolus , when concentrations after the dose are higher .
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