Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [was/were] only [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although she was only just learning to speak , on spotting one she would shout ‘ mushoosh , mushoosh ’ ' much to the amusement of passers by .
2 Conscious that she was only scantily dressed , Sarella gave him a weighing glance .
3 She was so interested that she was only vaguely aware the room was emptying of other guests until a waiter picked up their empty glasses and obstinately replaced the ashtrays Roman had borrowed .
4 The modernisation of the Blackpool fleet by the acquisition of 116 streamlined cars between 1933 and 1939 , left the Standards looking decidedly old-fashioned , although they were only circa ten years old by then .
5 He says that they were only just recovering from making cuts last year , now they 're having to do the same again ; only this time there will be redundancies .
6 knew , knew the minute walking , walking in , that they were only just coming in just to see
7 They shepherded their charges with a cheerful , maternal competence as if to reassure them that the place might look like a prison but was as gently beneficent as a nursing home and that they were only there for their own good .
8 Although it was only about two shillings I think it was a lot of money for her you know .
9 It arrived about two months after the news about my father , although it was only much later that I was told what was in it .
10 Such was the strength of Japan 's negotiating position that it was only marginally weakened by an attempt on the life of the elder statesman Li Hongzhang , leader of the Chinese delegation .
11 The explanation given by Grant was that attempts to contact Brady ahead of making public the board 's move had failed , though he accepted that it was only right the manager be the first to know .
12 Tug lay very still and concentrated on breathing and the voice went on , so softly that it was only just possible to hear it , even though Doyle 's face was right up against his ear .
13 He looked at his watch and saw to his amazement that it was only just after ten .
14 My impression of Rangoon in those first days was that it was only just beginning to come to life again , with everyone rather hopeless about the difficulties involved .
15 I had made up a sort of flattened octopus-like creature , with electrically lit eyes , which we stretched out onto a frame and placed in a shallow trough of water so that it was only just submerged .
16 It seemed incredible that it was only just a week since she 'd arrived , Luce thought .
17 The trouble is , ’ said Owen , ‘ that it was only partly successful .
18 That it was only ever your money ? ’
19 She did love Alexander , deeply and passionately , and suddenly it seemed quite natural to say so , in spite of the fact that it was only so recently that she had dared to look her love in the face .
20 It seems that it was only yesterday that singer/songwriter/activist Sinead O'Connor was at the top of the charts and could ‘ do not wrong ’ as far as the record buying public goes .
21 At the end of four months it was discovered that he was only just sixteen .
22 He wrote that he was only slightly wounded in the left arm and leg , and was scribbling this note in case some officious nerk notified them .
23 The mosaic occupied much of his consciousness so that he was only dimly aware — out of the corner of his eye , and mind 's eye — of Meh'Lindi , a flexible ebon statue of herself , yet still with an ivory face .
24 He told me later that he had only been a guard for fifteen months , also that the normal takings on this section of the line were approximately £10 , so he was only too pleased to work out a 26% discount for a group booking that realised BR £77.35 from our party .
25 Interested , I asked him to whack my bottom with the same instrument and urged him to do it properly so that I could feel what it was like — he did so and I was only just able to restrain my tears it hurt so much .
26 I was the last to arrive , and I was only just in time for dinner .
27 It was all at my fingertips and I was only too pleased to be of some assistance , from whatever quarter the request came .
28 I had never cooked a healthy meal and I was only there a month when I got into burglary . ’
29 And I was only there for four months and .
30 Went to Canterbury and I was only there twelve months .
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