Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb base] him for " in BNC.

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1 Elton does n't deserve to be called the worst , he 's very stylish and I dress him for the country .
2 I am grateful for the opportunity to enlighten the hon. Gentleman , and I thank him for his question .
3 That 's a sign of the new maturity he says he possesses and I respect him for it . ’
4 And I respect him for that .
5 His movement is steady and I admire him for it .
6 Reynes was an acquaintance of the diarist Samuel Pepys , who referred to him as ‘ a willing man , ready to co-operate in plans for the Navy ’ , and ‘ one who understands and loves a play as well as I , and I love him for it ’ .
7 If I enter him for the race will you wager ten pounds for me ? ’
8 If your fuel bill debt is in the name of your landlord , and you pay him for your electricity or gas , you should let your fuel supplier and local council know this is the case .
9 Sir David Nicholson retires from the Board this year and we thank him for his contribution to the Group over the past nine years .
10 ‘ Dave is our boffin , our crazy , lunatic , eccentric and we love him for it .
11 ‘ We do n't want to rush Mick because it 's a long season and we need him for the long haul .
12 If we find him for you , I fancy we 'd value a few minutes of his time ourselves , if we find him … ’
13 When I ask him for telephone numbers of the people who know him best , he gives me the numbers of Deneuve , Shrimpton and Helvin before Jack Nicholson , Brian Clarke and Julian Schnabel .
14 When I press him for more names he suddenly gets the deer-caught-in-the-headlights look , and , deciding he 's already revealed too much , replies , ‘ Ah , just people . ’
15 When you ask him for leave to serve him on this mission he will welcome it as the solution to his anxieties , for even if you are only gone from Kinsai for a time , it will seem to him that you do not mean to impose upon his favour . ’
16 Jekub can be a bit scary when you see him for the first time . ’
17 What is more , the Spirit who has become resident in the followers of Jesus mediates to them the victory over the world which Jesus had ( 4:4 ) as they trust him for the power to overcome temptation ( 5:3,4 ) .
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