Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] might have be " in BNC.

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1 In Miss Weeton 's Journal of a Governess , she writes on 15th September 1810 : ‘ I would have introduced you to Mr. Green , who keeps an exhibition of drawings ( all his own ) in that village where you might have been amused for two or three hours-for he has a great number , two rooms being kept open for the purpose .
2 In fact , even the most basic repairs had been neglected for many years before that , so that structural problems developed where they might have been avoided .
3 Although insufficient to provide the full service , these bogie cars were worked hard on the main line and sometimes worked to Thornton Heath but never to Addiscombe or Penge , where they might have been too long for some of the passing loops on these lines .
4 Smugglers , escaped convicts , drenched fishermen , or they might have been just watching the storm , voyeuristically curious to see a boat break up in choppy water .
5 The seeds of life might have appeared spontaneously here or in space , or they might have been deliberately sent here by an extra-terrestrial intelligence .
6 Luckily , the children came to me before trying to catch him , or they might have been bitten .
7 Where he might have been standing still had not the eagles lunged at him , as if moments before it fell they had sensed that some danger was there and had sought to protect him .
8 Apart from these texts there are a few which are revealing for the opposite reason : they deny the existence of a trust where it might have been expected .
9 The reconceptualisation which feminism is attempting has a direct and vital bearing on central philosophical issues , not only in political philosophy where it might have been expected , but also in epistemology , ontology , philosophy of mind , and ethics .
10 To Cnut and some of his contemporaries this world still mattered , and evidence of this has been found where it might have been least expected .
11 Or it might have been his membership of that dashing elite , the air fighters of World War I.
12 The child was perhaps a year old and was engaged in beating his — or it might have been her — mother about the shoulders with tiny chubby fists .
13 It might have been a technical failure or it might have been an action on the part of the operating crew or , indeed , a combination of both .
14 Many observers noticed the force and weight of his presence ; it might be called dedication , or ambition , or it might have been something below the level of consciousness which propelled him forward .
15 Or it might have been that he saw , in the younger screenplay writer , someone before whom all false reticence could be cast aside .
16 Or it might have been brought by an angel .
17 Or it might have been a bigger concern than I ken .
18 and then while he was upstairs seeing and helping his wife , then the the stove blew up downstairs , now that might have been the house saving from a real disaster whilst attacking his wife in a minor way , or it might have been pure coincidence .
19 Character A — or it might have been B again , for he seemed to be a right prune — had left late or had left early travelling at half the speed of the other .
20 Gould might have been disorientated — his record of dates , distances and directions are sometimes unreliable ; he might have exaggerated the achievements of his expedition — he would not have been the first explorer to do so ; or he might have been misquoted by an over-enthusiastic press .
21 I know what kind of an ordeal you 've had tonight , and , although I might have been willing to tease you before to take your mind off it and give you something else to think about , I do n't intend to ravish you to complete the treatment ! ’
22 I can honestly say I ca n't remember a show I definitely did n't like doing , although I might have been in some that did n't turn out as I though they would . ’
23 Would n't speak to me for six months , but then his natural goodness of heart , as well perhaps as his gradual realization that I might have been right , that perhaps I had saved him from a fate worse than death , made it impossible for him to keep it up .
24 She even had the audacity to suggest that I might have been ‘ carrying on ’ with Sir Vivien .
25 I knew now that I might have been foolish to have expected so much from Waite , but he had been the only person who 'd been willing to treat both kidnappers and hostages as human beings and to attempt some kind of understanding about how the situation could be resolved .
26 I was duly slapped down by my more knowledgeable tectonic seniors , and tried to forget the brief publication in question , but later work has now led me to suspect that I might have been right after all .
27 ‘ And it did n't occur to you that I might have been referring to you ? ’
28 In fact , afterwards the doctor told me that the training had probably helped and that I might have been in a lot more serious trouble if I had not been so fit .
29 Because it suddenly occurs to me that I might have been left alone to get on with this assignment if my divisional head had n't beamed in on my activities and seen something she did n't like in my relationship with Rainbow .
30 ‘ Has it occurred to you that I nearly disturbed the murderer — that I might have been killed as well ?
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