Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] see it [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And when we think that we saw it when it was new !
2 I think the idea is that Sun is that they see it as somebody 's gone poof poof want to be to write quickly and they would argue that a Sun reader has a sharp attention span .
3 And I saw it and everybody in the whole room saw it and burst out laughing cos it was so funny .
4 And I saw it and I thought ah I saw it in Zurich .
5 Cos I saw it when we went past .
6 And you see it when it generally er and also it 's a perfect day .
7 I do n't know if you seen it or not .
8 There was a programme on this morning , I do n't know if you saw it or not ?
9 I like the , there was , there was a , er big bill board in town , I du n no if you saw it and it says , I think it had Labour right , in really big letters , and they said who 's really behind me , it was a Conservative one , they said who 's really behind them and in it every one there 's like a T U C leader one of the union leaders
10 We are ready and willing to bring further pressure on them if we see it as necessary in the future . ’
11 Beauty to him came from the soul , as we say , and he saw it as his task to exteriorise it in some way that harmonized with the subject matter .
12 But I see it as something very special , all black , umber , dark , dark grey , mysterious angular forms in shadow leading to the distant soft honey-whitish square of the light-filled door .
13 I do n't see it as a waste of time , but I see it as erm , as may be an as a a n a necessary delay .
14 Fishman acknowledges the skill involved in this and indeed the necessity for someone to do it ; but she sees it as something women are coerced into .
15 " Wait till you see it before you say that , " Marion whispered , and turned her attention to the till .
16 But its conception of the international economy is different from that of world-system theories because it sees it as created and conditioned by the rivalry between different nation-states .
17 Presumably the working class were voting for the Labour Party since they saw it as their party and did not need to incentive of a party machine .
18 Bill only likes H P beans and I give Maggie a tin of them seventeen P beans and I says throw the tin away before he sees it and he could n't tell the difference .
19 I could n't believe it when I saw it cos we had just cemented the ill-fated Admiral deal .
20 I had doubts about that cover when I saw it because someone on seeing the flag would think it 's a political novel , whereas it 's not .
21 So when I see it cos I thought I have Alice and them , so I and in the room and I fridge .
22 It describes the situation in Scotland as I see it and contains nothing confidential ! ’
23 Tha that 's the reality of the situation , as I see it and people in my constituency
24 That is the scheme er as as I see it and unless , unless I I thi , unless that is progressed quickly then as I say I am extremely pessimistic and let me just say Chairman the dangers of not going along that line the dangers of the present scheme which was at the last planning committee meeting or or or was it one of the social services committee anyway , where four were chosen or or it was said choose a small number .
25 She was not familiar with the type , but she recognized it when she saw it as she would have recognized the Eiffel Tower .
26 In both cases the answer is that we will conform when we see it as being in our interests to do so .
27 That 's including Chippingfield if you had seen it as we saw it when we came here you would recognise how much work has gone into building the town because I was on the the council then I was asked if I would stand for the council which was then only a parish council there was no urban district council that was n't formed for four or five years afterwards and of course , we had to fight for lights everything that , er that we needed we had to fight for because there was no lighting on Netteswell Road where our children were going to school , and there were little ones .
28 They not only face the dangers of living in a war-torn society , but also risk torture or death for wanting to tell the truth as they see it and for refusing to be a part of the various propaganda machines that are fuelling the present conflict .
29 Silence had fallen for almost three weeks and then her father had written again , with the utmost brevity , to say he would review the situation when he saw it and that they could get away after the harvest .
30 It was the customer himself who recognised professionalism when he saw it and responded accordingly .
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