Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] would [verb] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 I was now completely in the dark and it was here that I would shoot whatever film I had onto the skirting board of my makeshift cinema .
2 I wish that she would use whatever influence she , as a junior Minister , may have to bring about a more generous cold weather payments scheme .
3 Erm , so you would leave what I call this deadwood lying on your spreadsheet , cells that are using up memory , they 're not needed any more erm , on many people 's spreadsheets I 've discovered quite a lot of deadwood using up large amounts of memory , like in some people 's cases two-thirds of the memory used by the deadwood .
4 You 'll remember yesterday that we had the collection for the Crawley Strikers and that the General Secretary , rather , I was gon na say foolishly then , generously er said that we would double whatever was collected .
5 His father Allan told the High Court : ‘ Whatever differences we have had as a family we are all of a mind that we would like what is best for Tony .
6 I had taken the slabs one course back from the edge of the hole , and Lou had arranged them neatly in order , so we would know what went where .
7 This new , private property would be , according to Engels and Morgan , in the hands of men , unlike the communal property of the gens , which was controlled by women , since they controlled the gens ; this was because Engels believed since men would be responsible for production at this stage it was natural that they would control what was necessary for production .
8 As well as the letters that poured in , the other guests on the programme had all said privately that they would do what they could to help ; Ian Hislop , the editor of Private Eye , had already printed a Friends of John McCarthy ad for free , and Gerald Scarfe had agreed to design a programme cover for the upcoming Benefit .
9 But they agreed at a meeting on Saturday that they would take whatever steps were necessary to protect their colliery .
10 After all , they were going to live in a village they had never even seen , and during the next hour or so they would discover what manner of place their new home was .
11 If only he could pick up the rock and hurl it , defiantly , to reciprocate the violence with such a true aim , that it would smash whatever the chosen target .
12 ‘ John went behind the counter at Selfridges for a couple of days so that he would understand what assistants have to cope with .
13 I was afraid that he would say what a pair
14 He indicated that he would introduce whatever evidence he thought to be appropriate , regardless of whether such evidence had formed part of the reasons for the suspension or not .
15 She turned away , making a great show of looking round the hallway , afraid that he would read what she was feeling from her expression .
16 In a symbolic gesture to this effect , he renounced his $10,000 monthly presidential salary , saying that he would accept whatever sum the legislature chose to pay him .
17 Er Chairman I I really have to say I do n't I do n't really agree with the assertion that the policy is is essentially more restrictive than than er P P G seven will indicate and I would endorse what er Patrick Earle has said in in that regard .
18 You know our our putting up the pistons more or less a which is we had a big of er Tommy would know what I meant and I would know what he meant .
19 If I 'd know what you were , I 'd have killed myself in the Lubianka . ’
20 And you would confirm what the good physician has said ? ’
21 Right and you would know what style to use , would n't you , or would you ?
22 But you 'd perhaps go three or four times before the baby was born and er just see everything was alright and you 'd know which way the baby was lying a and which way it was going to er you know come and if you thought there was going to be any problems well you know then you , you would sort of let the doctor know and , and he 'd decide then .
23 If she did n't get one , she would invent it and she would embroider whatever she was told .
24 Folly doubted if she would care what Luke got up to , but she gave her the flowers none the less .
25 ‘ I would appreciate it , if you would describe what happened , ’ Bragg said earnestly .
26 Or ‘ Quite , ’ and they would know what he meant .
27 Yes , I was very successful in that respect as well that er , my children , I taught them that just to wait till the January sales and they 'd get what they wanted for half the price !
28 ‘ I doubt if they would know what the bloody hell you were talking about .
29 He would listen and he would know what to do , what to say .
30 Andy 's a real mate he just kept saying straight heads er for all the times when I might have said oh , I could n't really talk to some people last night and he 'd say what you mean straight heads ? he 's right .
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