Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] do [pron] was " in BNC.

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1 Well than the other the other thing which I think particularly in the last one that we did which was finished back in March , we kept on changing the specification , because it started off such a such and specification and it was going to the Hanover Fair in Germany
2 And then you can you know , I mean , technically we have expanded cos if you look in in a couple of years there was me and you doing it was n't there ?
3 So she she did that and she did she was a midwife sometimes as well .
4 ‘ Or if she did it was no further than the grounds .
5 She said she knew nothing of a sectarian feud in the old days of Stormy Hill but if she did it was not the kind of thing you discussed with strangers , I sensed .
6 I do not think she benefited at all financially — if she did it was a very small amount — and would n't have been able to keep any of the furniture had it not been for the kindness of Aunt Mary .
7 ‘ She was threatening to go to London and if she did there was a possibility she would upset Berenice ; I ca n't risk that . ’
8 The questions maybe that if they did what was reasonable , did they carry it out in a reasonable way .
9 Or if they did it was so modern that nobody got to hear about it .
10 The training officer group were more likely to refer to joint or group decisions , none of them specifically mentioned the need for central approval , few mentioned relevancy to post as being essential ( or if they did it was within a wider framework of reference than relevance to post alone ) , and they were more likely to specify that the needs of the service and the needs of the individual were both taken into account .
11 The working classes rarely travelled far , and if they did it was on foot or , in the later years of the century , by tram , ‘ the gondola of the working classes ’ .
12 Used to go out bloody stupid and he use to have these called Philip and he did he was always on Philip .
13 ‘ In the first innings , I waited for something to happen , and it did I was back in the pavilion for a duck !
14 While he was painting , Modigliani barely looked at his model , ‘ or if he did it was merely to check against his portrait .
15 Hardly ever cracked a joke , and if he did it was bitter , like as not .
16 On the 8 October 1955 , Williams left the island for over two months , but before he did he was able to present the recently appointed Governor , Sir Edward Betham Beetham , K.C.M.G. , C.V.O. , O.B.E. , with the signatures of 28,000 people who supported constitutional reform .
17 over a number of years I was subjected to domestic violence , erm , the last time I left I did n't report it right away , morally it was my son , I did n't want to drag him through the court , but when I did I was told no , your too late , you will just be seen as a woman scorned , your trying to get revenge , and that 's it , no , I 'm not taking a statement .
18 And even as I did I was astounded at myself .
19 Becky did n't answer at once , and when she did it was very quietly .
20 She only managed to hail a taxi after fifteen minutes of running , and when she did she was almost afraid that he would not drive her because of her soaked condition , but , after a stream of highly ominous muttering in French , he finally let her in .
21 As she did there was a screech of brakes and another car drew up outside the cottage opposite , causing her to glance up .
22 They quarrelled hardly at all and when they did it was almost always because Roland expressed concern about Val 's reserve with the world in general , her refusal to advance opinions in class , and later , even to him .
23 They seldom dated their letters and when they did it was by the year of the king 's reign .
24 Clearly they were not the sort of married couple that was used to communicating by letter , and when they did it was only rarely that anything illuminating was said .
25 It was three days before he appeared and when he did he was in uniform .
26 Everything was wrong with him — he would n't always come to meetings and when he did he was ‘ difficult ’ .
27 He rarely spoke to the rest of us peasants in the house , though when he did he was nothing but polite .
28 Once a good director , now a cheerful but notorious lush , he seldom worked nowadays and when he did it was only television .
29 Corbett rarely lost his temper and when he did it was always a pleasure to watch .
30 He did n't lose his temper very often , but when he did it was always with Gesner , and it was dramatic .
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