Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] have only [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ( Apart from the last 2 bleak and miserable years , where I 've only managed to get to about 10 games because of my new secret life as a student . )
2 What was encouraging was the way we played — the best I 've seen them this term ( although I 've only seen 4 matches ) .
3 Erm and erm I do n't think that on the to go on about affordable housing as I did this morning , I do n't think that in fact the affordable housing targets which the different authorities have and although I 've only quoted four authorities I think , I think the other ones will be very much the same .
4 Yes I have , I mean , firstly my colleagues have been very supportive , and my company , Sea Search Editions , but the er local businesses , the other local businesses have started to respond and although I 've only put , I 've got piles of envelopes at home to deliver still , I am getting some success , I 'm rapidly getting near that 512 pounds .
5 For a real account of the BCR we must wait for Martin Davies 's definitive history , but although I have only included some of the anecdotes which crop up again and again , and a few photographs , many BCRS member have given invaluable assistance , and the presence of the Railway taken for granted throughout the time covered by ‘ BISHOP 'S CASTLE WELL-REMEMBERED ’ .
6 That I 've only had
7 I replied cautiously , acutely aware that I had n't seen Spock and Kirk do their thing for years and that I 'd only seen one episode of the new series .
8 I also had to wear new pink sandals that I had only received the morning of the wedding .
9 Left message with reception that I had only dealt with three calls — no more time to deal with any others .
10 There had been a delay in building it , so that I had only managed a few hours ' practice in the streets of Salford .
11 With the best counselling in the world , it is n't possible for a person like me , sometimes feeling guilty at even being alive , firm in my belief that I have only to breathe to be a nuisance , to suddenly switch through 180 degrees and see myself as white or even grey after seeing myself as black for sixty years .
12 Fear that I have only dreamed of moving forward , that when I go in and face it I will see that it is a mistake , not possible , uninteresting .
13 Memet says when you 're travelling all you need to take these days is precautions , so I 've only got the one bag .
14 This was a problem that merited expert advice , and , although she 'd only met the personnel director once before , she 'd liked him .
15 She went hot all over at the thought , too upset to understand that she had only escaped his hold because he had let her .
16 I 'd been expecting her to put up a stiff rearguard action , protesting that holidays were one thing and everyday life another , that she had only surrendered to me in a moment of weakness which she would regret for the rest of her life , and so on and so forth .
17 It seems to have been her settled conviction that she had only to see and to speak to him , and he would agree to return to her .
18 The Judge said that he had stolen Lady Margaret 's ring , and that she had only bought it that day and the ring was a very expensive diamond .
19 Mme Fournier was still in the car , she called out that she had only come to deliver a message .
20 Disconcerted , she admitted that she 'd only done this once before , that , in all honesty , I could probably do it equally well on my own .
21 She did n't bother to tell me that she 'd only got to call you , right ?
22 It was no good saying in her defence that she 'd only meant to be Cara Kingsdale for an hour , because things had n't worked out that way .
23 It has meant that she has only had two training sessions in the last month , which is scarcely the preparation necessary to face her hardest opponent in the world .
24 There was a time , I think , in the late sixties , when erm the education service did itself very little good by going along with the general mythology that you had only to put more money into the schools to service , to solve all social problems .
25 And not only that you 've only got ta
26 They think that you 've only got to feed in your data and out pops an Identikit of sonny complete with prints , collar-size and taste in pop music . ’
27 Right so you worked out that you 've only got to learn half of them .
28 Check your input and make sure that you have only selected one item .
29 And then the stairs the stairs are facing you like that , so you 've only got about about a metre of in between the bottom of the stairs and your front door and you s just sort of go in through there an and you 're in the living room .
30 ‘ Well , he said it did n't mean anything , so you 've only got yourself to blame if you did n't believe him , ’ Kathleen told herself glumly .
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