Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] have [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now , the beauty of this sort of explanation , where you have everybody on your side , when you are dealing with somebody who is unpopular , when you are all desperately anxious to find a scapegoat , is that your argument is unlikely to be at all jealously scrutinised .
2 Eighteen forty six , eighteen forty eight , or eighteen fifty take a guess ca n't you or you have one in three chances this is one I did n't know , who were the Magi ?
3 It 's not that I 've anything against audiences , it 's just that when they 're a blur they 're so friendly — just one big smiley mess .
4 Not that I 've anything against Americans ; far from it .
5 I was only going to say , Chair , that before my time in local government , that I 've mine as an observer each side , er , there was no problem for local authorities to raise a rate , er , there was no restrictions on this , and if they thought they could get away with it politically , they did , and they provided the services , that , that they believed people wanted .
6 Cutting down on food , I was University missing whole meals , telling people I was training , I 'm a P E teacher so sport and the perfect body was very much up front , so the more weight I lost the better I was told I looked until it became totally out of control and I was eating an apple and black coffee a day and then vomiting so that I had nothing in me .
7 Automatically I checked that I had plenty of fuel myself .
8 Assuming now that I was aware of one or two facts of which you , my dear , could not be , assuming that I had something of importance to communicate to Michel , would you still stick to your stubborn refusal ? ’
9 I told her that I had you at work then yesterday , right , she says oh no another one , right , and ended up
10 ‘ You see that I had you in my mind ! ’
11 ‘ Now that I have you at last you 'll never be away from me again . ’
12 ‘ I can assure you that I have none of those — er-appendages . ’
13 Not that I have anything against ugliness .
14 Not that I have anything against gas fitters but I do think that to do what I did at 15 takes a bit more courage .
15 It 's not that I have anything against them per se , of course .
16 ‘ I keep imagining this morning that I have — please believe me , Milena , because when we 're married you will have to put up with a lot of this , but I keep imagining that I have lots of little crisp sepia legs . ’
17 My disability makes this rather a slow process , so I had plenty of time .
18 I got quite a lot of reading done — John managed to persuade one of the nice Italian staff at the British Council Library to let me have two more books than my five allowed , so I had them on her ticket !
19 And why did the impact of his presence provoke such an undeniable response in her when , earlier , she had felt that she had everything under control ?
20 Ellen was sure now that she had him for her own and most likely thought it a fair return for her investment of time and trouble .
21 Ronni smiled a small smile , grateful that the subject of Jeff and Silvia had been left behind , and enjoying , for once , the fact that she had him at a disadvantage .
22 Nicklaus , sensing that she had something on her mind , offered an encouraging , ‘ Do n't be afraid to speak up ! ’
23 Not for sustenance , but so that she had something on which to focus her attention while she thought about her response to him .
24 But , when nothing she could do from inside the car would make it go again , she began to realise in her non-mechanical mind that she had something of a problem on her hands .
25 And she once again had the strong , peculiar feeling that was coming over her more and more often : the feeling that she had nothing in common with those two-legged creatures with a head on their shoulders and a mouth in their face .
26 ( Not that she had anything against Greenpeace .
27 It was n't that she had anything against him personally ; he was a charming and clever man , dedicated to his school , an entrepreneur who was using the fruits of his success to fulfil a lifetime 's dream — and good luck to him , she thought .
28 Not that she had anything against him .
29 Not that she had anything against the vicar personally , though it had been hard to forgive his refusal of her request for an ‘ Animals ’ Sunday' to which people might bring their pets to be blessed .
30 Tallis was idly aware that she had none of these organs left .
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