Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] be now [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Rough Trade , for instance , had to dip into the piggy bank to move into the American market , where they 're now said to be pulling out .
2 En Shao appeared in Liverpool two years ago , shortly before he was due to take up position of principal conductor of the Ulster Orchestra where he is now installed .
3 In 1963 , the car was donated to the National Tramway Museum , where it is now displayed , pending its return to native rails as a most remarkable survivor !
4 Clashes and scores of casualties continued elsewhere in south-east Turkey , where it was now estimated that about one-third of the Turkish army , or 150,000 troops , were deployed .
5 Her never-failing enthusiasm and dedication helped to build the strong support now enjoyed in this area , and although she is now retired , she still attends a weekly class .
6 The book sold so well locally that she 's now published it for sale countrywide ; available from WH Smith , Sherratt & Hughes and Waterstone 's bookshops or direct from Barbara Geere at 15 Stamford Drive , Bromley , Kent BR2 0XF ( 081–460 3646 ) , priced £2.30 ( inc p&p ) .
7 For it can not be emphasized too much that the transsexual , even after conversion surgery , continually seeks reassurance that she is now accepted in her new sex role .
8 At the same time she acknowledged that she was now seen by the rest of the royal family as ‘ a problem ’ .
9 Writing to members of F&S and direct contact by shop officers with members of F&S got the most votes , so you are now asked to sign , date and send the attached ‘ model ’ letter to ( who is Chair of both F&S and SSC ) , or better still write your own version of the letter , to make your feelings clear .
10 I believe that in the evaluation of sectors that we 're now engaged in , it is possible as a strategic exercise to exclude entirely number six , the A sixty four north eastern corridor , on coalescence questions .
11 The hon. Gentleman will be aware that we are now engaged with the United Nations in the pursuit of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq .
12 The truth is that we are now condemned to live with a dual consciousness .
13 Helen Martin , our chairperson said , ‘ The Heatfest weekend was so important to us as tenants because for the very first time , the people who live in the damp houses got the opportunity to sit round the table with the people who in the past were responsible for creating the kinds of conditions that we are now forced to live in and we could say , hey look !
14 and we looked on it more as a party and a family gathering and showing everybody else that we were now committed and we 're going to spend the rest of our lives together .
15 The difference is that they are now employed by the businesses to whom they have been supplying services for some time . ’
16 Several beaches have become so polluted that they are now closed .
17 However as each urban locality has been reduced to the status of a labour pool so they are now integrated not within the production process of capital but of wage-labour , within the sphere of civil society rather than of capitalist production per se .
18 The Safrane RXE makes do with the ageing Douvrin V6 , although it is now mounted transversely and has its cylinder heads shrouded in ‘ V6 ie ’ labelled silver plastic .
19 ‘ Yes , although it is now called the Robben Ford Signature series .
20 The rights to Presley 's ‘ Sun ’ recordings were acquired by RCA Victor together with the rights to the artist , and although it is now known that the tapes in RCA Victor 's vault are not actually the 1955 originals , they are extremely good copies , and all have been reissued on compact disc .
21 Although it is now used with a cup , the saucer had a very different origin .
22 There are still traces of hut circles attributed to an Iron Age occupation and , at the time of the Roman invasion , the local patriots , the Brigantes , established a hill fort to resist the foreign legions ; an ancient rampart wall , built around the perimeter of the summit and almost half a mile in circumference , has survived the centuries although it is now crumbled and has many gaps .
23 It was also — although it is now forgotten in the West — the scene of some of the fiercest fighting between Axis and Allied forces in the Middle East .
24 She knew he was not actually in the red at the bank , but he was pretty near to it at times , although he was now paid a very good salary , much more than Len would ever have been paid if he had still been alive and in the job .
25 A now famed example of the former ( and we understand that it is now denied by Rolls Royce ) is that the Rolls Royce Silver Shadow was nearly called the Silver Mist which would have been most unfortunate when selling to the German market .
26 While the application of procedural checks to licensing activities has therefore increased it would be mistaken to say that it is now accepted that any licensing function should be subjected to such safeguards .
27 In its latest World Development Report , the World Bank acknowledges that some of its past policies have led to environmental degradation , but insists that it is now geared toward promoting sustainable development and , in particular , the alleviation of third world poverty .
28 Except that on three separate programmes this weekend , Neil was urbane , witty , direct and honest — so much so that it is now rumoured he might go into TV presenting .
29 Indeed , the research evidence is so strong that it is now reflected in the high incidence of work teams , ‘ away days ’ for functional groups and courses in team-building .
30 The ancient Dwarf hold of Karak Ungor has become so infested with Night Goblins that it is now known as Red Eye Mountain .
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