Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] must [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Remembering Lucy Lane 's description , he felt sure that she must be Anna 's mother .
2 So she must be St Agatha .
3 Following the December 1991 European Community summit at Maastricht , there is a consensus among all three major UK parties that we must be part of the process leading to monetary union .
4 While all women are socialized for domesticity in much the same way — by identifying with their mothers ( and/or other adult women ) as housewives , internalizing the conviction that they must be housewives in their turn — for the working-class woman the linguistic process of role learning is such that ‘ I ’ becomes part of the role .
5 There is at least this restriction on the properties that count here , that they must be properties whose presence or absence can be registered by the person making the judgement .
6 They now had no idea where they were except that they must be east of the Ridgery and well to the west of where they believed the outlaws ' Camp to be .
7 They now had no idea where they were except that they must be east of the Ridgery and well to the west of where they believed the outlaws ' Camp to be .
8 Then she realised that it must be Ianthe Broome , the canon 's daughter they were always talking about , and perhaps in some way a kind of ‘ rival ’ for the affections of a man she had not yet seen .
9 Everyone took it for granted that it must be Oxford or Cambridge .
10 I am not very sure what 's wrong with her but I can tell by the way they start discussing the weather when I come into the room that it must be Women 's Trouble .
11 Do n't make the mistake of thinking that it must be cow 's milk , just because this is the food problem that we hear about most often in babies .
12 Since one thinks that there must be something in common to all good things one may then conclude that it must be pleasure .
13 ‘ I do n't really think we can necessarily say that it must be vitamin E that is a protective factor , but what we can now say is that fruit and vegetables seem to protect against heart disease , ’ says Professor James .
14 The girls exchanged nervous glances , thinking that it must be Miss Hardbroom come to reprimand them for being out of bed .
15 That it must be language acquisition therefore which is taking place is clear , not only because of these simple observations but because of the fact that the rules of BSL have never been researched sufficiently until now for there to be a language learning situation .
16 It is Thursday , so it must be New York City .
17 I thought that if I ran and it was a coronary , it should have got worse , but I ‘ ve run round the block and it has n't , so it must be indigestion . ’
18 And you must be Doctor Masters .
19 And you must be Doctor Masters . ’
20 I think , you know , the erm the Tourist Boards have taken the industry by the scruff of the neck and said look you must have standards , you must have quality , and you must be price competitive .
21 And you must be Colin Weatherhead , ’
22 And you must be Darren .
23 I 'm Dickon and you must be Miss Mary .
24 And you must be Silvia .
25 And you must be Mr Thacker . ’
26 ‘ You must be Corin and you must be Alleyn ? ’
27 So whatever verb is chosen will determine what functional predicate/argument structure is created — for HIT , it will be HIT ( AGENT , GOAL , INSTRUMENT ) because part of the lexical specification for the verb HIT is that it must have three arguments and they must be AGENT , ACTED-UPON , INSTRUMENT .
28 Well it makes sense cos it must be Jackie 's .
29 But we must be miles from any buildings ! ’ said Gurder .
30 Gen Enrile went on : ‘ I told them they would be treated fairly , justly and humanely but they must be man enough to take the consequences of their actions . ’
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