Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] want [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Er a a and then say , well we can take that on board for you if you like but it might be more efficient for you to do the possessions because the civil engineer Leeds , actually is part of your organization a a and it might be more appropriate for you to get those possessions in , for you to decide whether or not you want one big bang o o o of a week 's possession or , or you want to do it i in four hour no-trains periods for the next three years .
2 Or you want to believe it 's too neat .
3 I 'll leave some tissues around so that if you do n't like it or you want to rub it off you can always use a tissue .
4 Many of the cases , such as Seager v Copydex ( 1967 ) 1 WLR 923 , concerned actual or threatened breaches by ex-employees in relation to information given to them by their former employers , and where they wanted to exploit it to their own benefit .
5 We 've had a few people coming on and saying they want it to stay there or they want to leave it there but it 's the trees that 's really annoying people .
6 or he wants to plane it or
7 It 's just that I want to get it typed I s'pose .
8 I assured her that I would definitely not change my mind and that I was sure that I wanted to do it .
9 I considered simply passing it forward , but some idiot would probably open it and read it out to the whole class , or else it would get intercepted by Mrs Burton who was the last person that I wanted to read it .
10 I killed him for no more reason than I wanted to do it .
11 Both that she should know ( had he told her ? ) and that she wanted to discuss it .
12 Such a sensation of pure joy filled her that she wanted to shout it aloud , spread the news , let the whole of creation share this sublime happiness .
13 If you 're getting booed for doing something that you want to do , you should remember that you want to do it .
14 Well a can of worms , or a heap of possibilities , whichever way that you want to put it , but the Children Act in total we are going to spend something like another four hundred thousand in nineteen ninety one , in the new financial year , which is good news .
15 Anyway what is wrong with that land of sunshine Australia , that you want to leave it , is it because you have to work for your living there ? ( quoted from Tatchell , Battle , 72 )
16 I would think that in the terms that you want to define it in , that statement 's true but I would n't necessarily agree with it .
17 This scale , which can be looked upon either as mode 4 of a major scale ( eg. G major starting from C , or a C major scale with a ♯4th ) , or the major scale that is found a 5th higher than the root of the chord that you want to play it against .
18 Erm , but bear in mind you know , this works best if you work it the way that you want to work it .
19 ‘ You reckon an old building will jar with your luxury villas , so you want to buy it and demolish it ? ’ she asked , her voice frigid .
20 But we feel so ill at ease with silence that we want to fill it with endless clatter and talk about ourselves .
21 It is precisely because the best is very good that we want to make it apply to everyone .
22 In fact we 've just refused er the application er to change the use of that site to housing , or some of that site to housing , er for the very reason that we want to keep it in employment use and at the same meeting we also refused another site , another major employment site , erm and we want to keep that in employment use as well .
23 Rumours have been circulating that they wanted to hold it to tie in with Aliens 3 , although with that still way off in the future , it 's more likely that a full-scale theatrical release of The Special Edition is planned for the distant future .
24 But government spokesmen said that they wanted to see it eventually set so as to maintain the level of existing capacity at the end of the century .
25 At their last meeting a line had been reached , and despite the urgings of his senses at the time , he was not sure that they wanted to cross it .
26 They 've spent years doing this sort of thing , now they 've decided that they want to do it for a living .
27 so obviously they wan na get it down this weekend and get it out the way cos they 've got some family coming for the day on Sunday so they want to get it down tomorrow .
28 He said it contained his own private cargo and that he wanted to unload it himself .
29 Thinking that he wanted to watch it because he thought it was funny , Bob made a few humorous remarks at the expense of the characters on the screen .
30 Now , if you 're going to er er er er want everything and then at the same time , want to reduce the budget , then I think you 're like the man who wanted a cake an and you 'll find that he wanted to eat it , so I think you 've got to come to terms and be realistic .
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