Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] give they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So I goes come here , and I give them to John I goes I 'll take them John and I paid .
2 If I give them to you , you can do your story first and then pass them on . ’
3 Elizabeth said she would like to see copies of these letters , and she gave them to Mrs Spurling — this , I think , justifies the presence of Braemar letters here .
4 as soon as possible , if you give them to me some time next week say Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , and we can say right , I want it Friday or Monday , okay , I 've just got to phone them and they will , they will put it on risk for you
5 but he gave them to me practically
6 ‘ Yes , but he give them to Madge . ’
7 but he give them to me just in case I do
8 I always feel that when he 's giving , , because he gives them to one , does n't charge for any
9 Do you pick these loaves or do they feel sorry for you when they give them to you ?
10 ‘ If you 've got a pen I 'll read the directions as they gave them to the family . ’
11 doubt when he gives them to thingy me bob
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