Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] give [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 A highlight was a party in the children 's hospital where we gave presents to all of the children , mums and staff as well as handing over medical supplies and a lap-top computer .
2 On the other hand , contracts will only provide sufficient evidence where they give rise to a ‘ firm commitment ’ : the reporting entity 's obligation resulting from the contract can be enforced by an external party , and the circumstances are such that if necessary it will be so enforced .
3 Ackroyd pastiches Dickens in form rather than style — which is to say that this book is very long , Dickensianly long ( the main text signs off at page 1084 , where it gives way to a fat coda of source notes , bibliography and index ) .
4 But it so happens , you might say well all these years retired I ca n't be much good at the job , you 'll be interested to know that I give talks to groups which include retiring tax inspectors .
5 The chief , indeed only , reason for her appearance on the scene is that she gave birth to a ( male ) child !
6 If Susanna Jennens was alone much of the time , there is no reason to doubt that she gave attention to her kitchen maid and that she encouraged her to read and to write poetry .
7 We also look at legislation on the basis , not that you give powers to a good minister , but you may be putting ho powers into the hands of a bad minister , i in future , in future years .
8 ‘ Old Silent Tree , once you gave birth to birds from your branches .
9 You then have to ask yourself the question , If there is n't any Government , if there is n't any er local development pressure of any substance which has brought about the need for this policy , has there been some sort of quantum change in Government policy which has necessitated that we give emphasis to this particular issue .
10 At every stage children 's ideas can be included , so that they give rise to many opportunities for scientific investigations .
11 But far from accepting that they gave expression to some all-important class struggle , liberal historians regard the ideas of the revolutionary intelligentsia as the product of their own psychological needs .
12 One of the Omomyidae 's greatest successes was that they gave rise to a higher family of primates , the Anthropoidea , which now include monkeys , apes and man .
13 Use has thus evolved on a pragmatic basis : casual observation by the author showed that vehicles rarely crossed the junction at more than 15 km/h ; that they gave way to walkers and cyclists in nearly every case ( Figure 6.15 ) and indeed that some pedestrians failed even to bother to look for traffic before crossing .
14 As he rushes hither and thither , his note-books become crammed with an amazing collection of miscellaneous information which is so diverse and uneven that it gives colour to and so in a way explains Robert Lowie 's famous definition of culture as a ‘ thing of shreds and patches ’ .
15 The idea that the rest of creation is here for our benefit makes no sense biologically , but the idea is so widespread in society and so deeply ingrained in our approach to life , that it gives rise to an arrogant and destructive ‘ hubris ’ .
16 The problem of mental disorder is a considerable one , both numerically and in the range of needs that it gives rise to .
17 The motion of the ions and electrons in the sheet is such that it gives rise to a net current around Jupiter .
18 Throughout the book , Petrey argues that Austin 's work is of huge importance and that it gives rise to significant insights when applied to the study of literature .
19 Yes , certainly , because I think that it gives depth to life .
20 The major attraction of a fully-fledged GIS is that it gives access to large volumes of cartographic and attribute data which can be manipulated according to the needs of the user and the flexibility of the system software .
21 From the mid-1640s , the celebration of Christmas was forbidden , Puritans arguing both that the festival was pagan in origin and also that it gave licence to ‘ carnal and sensual delights ’ .
22 This hypothetical test was preferred on the grounds that it gave rise to less uncertainty , and avoided the possibility of the court acting on the basis of hindsight .
23 Len 's mining area the Rhondda now has no pits , when once it gave work to a hundred thousand men .
24 She did n't tell me what I was doing , so all right , I pushed , and I gave birth to the afterbirth and thought , Oh , that 's why she wanted me to push .
25 Hercules , paying a visit , seduced her and she gave birth to a son , Telephus , with unfortunate consequences for them both , but for Hercules it was a passing encounter .
26 Peggy wanted to laugh , but she knew if she gave way to it it might turn to hysteria .
27 Okay we a major cause of some five hundred thousand pounds and we give addition to the three point six five one million which has been identified in this amendment .
28 Localized zones of compressional and tensional stress are common along strike-slip faults and they give rise to a number of distinctive landforms .
29 The dogs are excited , and they give voice to their exuberance .
30 The defendants were members of the Musicians ' Union , a union with many coloured members , and they gave notice to the plaintiffs that members of the union would not be permitted to play at the ballroom so long as the colour bar was in operation .
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