Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [be] [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was fogged in on board the Amerada Hess AHOOI where I am now working .
2 We finally settled for a modern house in a village three miles away , where I am still living .
3 or I 'm just seeing what he 'd said
4 bit here and I thought god that so I thought right I 'm gon na change places in that seat but your father 's sitting on , alright , I said go in that back seat , just behind us there were there or I said or I 'm just coming to sit where you are , I said I ca n't do four hours sitting like this , I mean I 'd have been boss eyed before I got , well I was I , I , all say look at that cloud
5 It could be , or I 'm just wondering if it 's actually squirrels , because although the , the excreta contains berries erm a squirrel will eat berries , it will also eat nuts and of course they do bury their nuts and I 've actually seen squirrels in other parts of the country digging holes and starting a bit of a larder and of course there are a lot of , of erm squirrels in Croydon so I think unless you actually see the animal you can only speculate that it is something small like a vole or , or a squirrel .
6 I 'm thinking : I 'm not wearing this , or I 'm not wearing that , my leg shows in that ; but it 's funny , it 's only really at parties that I worry about things like that .
7 ‘ Tell me now , or I 'm not going to be able to . ’
8 As a basic rule of thumb you 'll need a 2 1/2 ft wheelbarrow for a small garden where you are just moving light loads .
9 where you 're just watching , helping , washing a few cups with somebody and , and then going on a course one or two days a week , and then you 're consider whether being took on and even if you 're not took on at that place at least you 've got something to say you 've done when you 're
10 Where you 're not buying from a trader , you 're buying from an ordinary member of the public .
11 You know , I , I maintain if you 're gardening you 're thinking about work , or you 're not thinking about watering or whatever you should be doing in gardening .
12 The weather 's a bit grotty or you know , or you 're not feeling too good , it 's easier to get a car , you know , to get a lift in with someone .
13 Or you 're not going to Lee Ann 's .
14 Get her back on or she 's not having this I 'm sorry about that hang on just a minute block your ears I 'm just going to spin round again okay hang on oops er are you their Rachael are you there ?
15 If you do n't tell him it though and you assume he 's gon na to pick it up just by looking at your eyes he 's not going to or she 's not going to pick it up .
16 The first do n't is not to believe that the child is lazy because he or she is not managing to spell .
17 However , as with every part of the curriculum , there is a wider perspective to be taken into account , and that is the fact that there is a limit on what an individual teacher can achieve if he or she is not working in harmony with the rest of the school .
18 The teacher may lead the discussion or the activity , but he or she is also learning from the students .
19 If the character moves sideways with the head , body and arms in some way averted from the front , i.e. croisé , possibly with a twist of the shoulders , he or she is usually playing some evil or cunning person .
20 The second problem is that even if a motorist — despite all the odds — actually adheres to the recommended limits , all the evidence points to the fact that he or she is still driving too fast for the safety of local residents .
21 He or she is actually trying to exercise power over nurse or mother .
22 He or she is certainly making a commitment to trust God .
23 But for the average home-owner to find good taste cheaply , displayed informally , and feel certain that he or she was not making a mistake because it was already arranged and coordinated , was quite new to Parisians .
24 ‘ He means , ’ said Rita , slowly , in her loud classroom voice , ‘ anyone could walk in as long as he or she were not carrying a package that did look suspicious . ’
25 The reason for setting aside a through the request as researchers where we 're actually going to go through all the procedures , highlighting , the changes are and why .
26 Where we are not dealing solely with our own affairs but forming general preferences as to the kind of society we would like to live in , the main pleasures and pains we are concerned with are precisely these pleasures and pains of sympathy .
27 At the Poly , where we are already catering for 400 students , a new canteen designed by CCG is due to open in 1992 to serve 1000 students .
28 Summary statements are useful in everyday speech , where we are continually describing people as intelligent or aggressive or generous or nice .
29 Most of the time we 're either sitting outside the head 's office or we are either fighting or we are either arguing with them .
30 Most of the time we 're either sitting outside the head 's office or we are either fighting or we are either arguing with them .
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