Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [adv] only [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 When she was 18 she went to study at the Royal School of Needlework , where she not only learnt how to identify and date historical embroidery , but also became a prize-winning practitioner .
2 The report noted that they not only provided care for children but enabled teachers to attend to others and also that the aides themselves carried out important educational work under the teacher 's direction .
3 Was the poor relief paid to able-bodied workers over-generous to the extent that it not only created a dependency culture by reducing the incentive to work , but put a premium on early marriage and on childbirth ?
4 The increase in flexibility may be conceded , although it should be added that it commonly only extended to the classic texts , most notably the works of Shakespeare , whose assumed centrality continued to be justified in terms both of their uniquely potent literary rhetoric , and their cultural and imaginative force within " the pool of our common experience " .
5 But having let himself sink as far as he could go , he began to rise and with such gathering force and fury that he not only routed all who had disbelieved in him , he left even the believers agape .
6 We went on to the target , all the same , and we not only bombed , but obtained a photograph of the aiming point at the moment of bombing .
7 His early training as an engineer stood him in good stead , and he not only devised but also constructed most of the apparatus that he used .
8 However , Ancient Society also differed from earlier work because of the high quality of the scholarly work on which it was based , because of the sympathy of the writer for primitives , and because it not only defined stages but in many cases suggested mechanisms which explained why one stage should change to another .
9 There the register-keeper was well and truly confused , since he not only referred to children of ‘ Charles William Titford , Linen Draper , Bishopsgate Street ’ — a nomenclature which we are used to by now — but also made an error when it came to wife Anne 's name — she appears as ‘ Mary ’ .
10 It clearly represented for him a literary turning-point since it not only swept aside all mystifying attempts to separate the literary activity from the contemporary socio-political context , but also injected a coherent set of political arguments squarely into the literary debate : anti-fascism , anti-colonialism , anti-capitalism , arguments that were beginning to find much grass-roots and intellectual support in France .
11 Her life must have been hard for she not only produced ten children , one of whom died in infancy but also gave birth to my mother when in her forty-fifth year .
12 But this friction was beneficial for the students , as they not only learnt a rigorous method of representation but also were exposed to more liberal attitudes .
13 Euthymides felt this himself , for he not only signed this vase on the front : among the figures on the back he wrote ‘ As never Euphronios ’ .
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