Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Mallards , coots and moorhens could often be seen and heard waddling about the housing estate where I lived or sometimes even boldly marching up the high street .
2 Only after 1 February can I go more or less where I please and then there is a need to work quite quickly since the ferreting season ends in April when the fast-growing vegetation and the increasing arrival of litters of young rabbits make it impractical to continue .
3 The child may rationalise the situation by saying that the family is the only family he or she knows and thereby acquire a psychic balance .
4 With the benefits accruing to him or her whether he or she joins or not , there is no rational reason why any individual should join the pressure group .
5 The first major place we reached was a city called Oradea where we realised that not much had changed in Romania since our last visit .
6 We could have gone back to the where we started and then we only paid a couple of hundred pounds a year for the land that they used to keep the grass cut and everything but the problem was really the area .
7 Find out why men and women became pirates , where they operated and how they met their end .
8 Ted who is from Northern Ireland and Joan from Aberdeen were both in the RAF where they met and finally married in 1952 .
9 The author uses this latter column to mention the artist 's family ties , associations with rulers , where they exhibited and how they signed .
10 He was drafted into the army in 1942 , where he discovered that even in uniform everyone was not as equal as God had intended .
11 An interesting point is raised at the end of the book , where it estimates that out of 210 Mustangs that survive worldwide , 112 are reported to be airworthy .
12 I accept that , although I gather that even the German Parliament is deeply divided on how much of it and how much of the Government should move from Bonn to Berlin .
13 It is his type that has been projected as a desirable up to the present time , although I feel that recently , Rottweilers in Germany have become slightly lighter in build and longer in the loin , a very workmanlike animal , designed for Schutzhund work .
14 ‘ No , she said not , and although I think that virtually everything she has told us about herself is a pack of lies I do n't think she 's lying about that . ’
15 Outside Cabinet Leon Brittan argued in a speech that the Government must have the right to look at new ideas , although I suspect that both Leon and Geoffrey Howe must have been appalled at the way the issue had been handled .
16 well this people I mean with , with , that I mean that really is more or less the same amount as the other companies have said for er more or less the whole lot , so why the wardrobes are so cheap and yet the , the bed surrounding is so expensive , we do n't know
17 By that I mean that substantially fewer customers have terminated contracts citing reasons of dissatisfaction or failure to deliver .
18 The nest-making was so sentimental and full of love and happiness that I thought if only all people could see it — then they might learn respect and beauty from these enchanting birds .
19 I talk about a textual body , and then I talk about a body that I inhabit and so many make bastions and institutions do n't want that .
20 I should , at this point , declare my interest as being associated with Horizon , but it is through this link that I know that not one of the producers involved with BBC productions was consulted in any way during the writing of the book .
21 ‘ None that I regard as very useful .
22 The illusion that I had and perhaps many others had in the early seventies was that somehow we could reach a blissful state where all tensions and anxieties would not be there and we would be sexually , as well as emotionally , free .
23 Suppose , however , that I simulate or even by coincidence pass through whatever sequence of states is taken to be sufficient for the conscious episode of feeling the prick of the needle .
24 I said that I accepted that maybe he hated me and that he wanted nothing to do with me .
25 I mean in so I I come here today with a petition that I presented that also talks about proposing to abolish the merger , I mean this is a move just one step away from that but I still feel in what was proposed at the last full council meeting and I would express my views to the officers that in light of what has been suggested today is actually implemented to the wording as it stands because the joint working party that had been er written up previously never did meet although if I can inform it was only the officers who actually met up and I hope that in light of all the working group and the two heads of centres covering for each other would be implicitly applied .
26 Well I think we were very lucky at the start that were were just starting up in England and they were actually more into what we were doing than er to the extent that I think that maybe other record companies might have laughed at them and said they 've no hope of surviving but I mean they had the Furies with er Sweet Sixteen and then they had er about six hit singles from Foster and Allen and about six or seven albums and then they went down to Daniel O'Donald which became an enormous success so I think when that happened then all record companies kind of said well maybe there is something here .
27 He has another story that I liked and inevitably it concerned Alex Higgins , that brilliant player who has wasted his talent so often , but who has been one of the greatest stars and the source of endless tales .
28 But he was alright you know what I mean with the , I never never really knew want , there were lots of things that I wanted and never got of course but I never really , I could never say I wanted , and I never went hungry , not even at any time , you know .
29 I did choose it in my first book , The Selfish Gene , so I thought that here I would fly a kite for a somewhat less-fashionable theory ( although it recently has started gaining ground ) , which seems to me to have at least a sporting chance of being right .
30 I was n't drinking an awful lot so I decided that even with the difficulties I was going to have Darren home for good .
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