Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] and [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Only after 1 February can I go more or less where I please and then there is a need to work quite quickly since the ferreting season ends in April when the fast-growing vegetation and the increasing arrival of litters of young rabbits make it impractical to continue .
2 The child may rationalise the situation by saying that the family is the only family he or she knows and thereby acquire a psychic balance .
3 We could have gone back to the where we started and then we only paid a couple of hundred pounds a year for the land that they used to keep the grass cut and everything but the problem was really the area .
4 Ted who is from Northern Ireland and Joan from Aberdeen were both in the RAF where they met and finally married in 1952 .
5 I talk about a textual body , and then I talk about a body that I inhabit and so many make bastions and institutions do n't want that .
6 The illusion that I had and perhaps many others had in the early seventies was that somehow we could reach a blissful state where all tensions and anxieties would not be there and we would be sexually , as well as emotionally , free .
7 He has another story that I liked and inevitably it concerned Alex Higgins , that brilliant player who has wasted his talent so often , but who has been one of the greatest stars and the source of endless tales .
8 But he was alright you know what I mean with the , I never never really knew want , there were lots of things that I wanted and never got of course but I never really , I could never say I wanted , and I never went hungry , not even at any time , you know .
9 Eventually I asked for a transfer , but could n't get one , so I stayed and now I 'm glad I did . ’
10 Jacqueline made it clear that she disapproved and eventually told Catherine to move out .
11 One last kiss — and it was all that she wanted and more .
12 Sometimes called a candidate specification , it states the essential attributes that you require and also the merely desirable ones .
13 Because when I was thinking about trying to talking to you today , I thought although we 've worked quite a lot with people along this group , you might be sitting here and thinking well you do n't seem to be doing any specific work for and with old people erm , well I think your quite independent and can work out your right that , but one of the things this front line review erm it erm , it 's considering Council front line services under various headings , one of which is Retired Services that the Council provide as a group , now the leader of the Council wants to erm , get public views on how we look at these services , so , and that 's , that 's individuals and groups and one of the things that you might like to think about and I 'm that we as a local government unit who are servicing this review can help you with , is to consider how you might want to fee in for that review , erm and , and consider this , that the re-services for retired people , that the Council provides that you use and basically whether you use that , or service , we want to hear that , the Council would need to know that cos were gon na be making decisions about whether or not they should continue in this front line review erm , and erm , you know , or what things you would , what , what are your questions on about those services , what other things you would like to see provided , things like that and I thing this group could quite easily make a collective representation , a collective submission to that process then you could do it as individual 's as well , so that , that exercise it , it should be over by the eleventh of October it starts on the sixth of September .
14 Because you are continually reducing the number of mistakes that you make and continually improv improving .
15 First choose the size of mirror that you want and then have a sheet of mirrored glass cut to your specifications .
16 It is not , Mr Zelmer stresses ‘ a one-off exercise that you do and then rub your hands and congratulate yourself ’ .
17 You can question other people , other people might have that knowledge and you can question and clarify and form in your mind the ideas that you need and maybe put them to the group as a group .
18 Express trains come rushing down on you far more quickly than you imagine and more than one hundred people are killed every year in the United Kingdom doing this .
19 Dorothy was puzzled and did not know what to say , so she smiled and then started up the path to the back door , when he called her back .
20 You just ca n't keep the pace going , however , so you protect and then drive .
21 Once she stumbled and nearly fell headlong , but somehow she recovered her balance and tore on .
22 And Peper Peter had to accept it not just once you know and then he was a changed man .
23 so that we know and also it puts the guy in context for I mean these if I remember I mean H M S O are mega bucks buyers
24 We showed how to achieve certain basic patterns by using the processes that we discovered and then we saw how they could be combined to achieve a large class of patterns .
25 ’ Homes have been impounded and this is the only home that we have and so we 're going to stay here until we get our homes back . ’
26 They avoid the more complicated jobs , but within their limitations they are more able than they think and usually can be sure of being pleasantly surprised by the result of their efforts .
27 Why say that they ran and then say that they sprinted ?
28 MND affects the nerve cells controlling muscles so that they weaken and gradually waste away .
29 The Swann Committee had also noted ‘ the views expressed very clearly to us at our various meetings with parents from the whole range of ethnic minority groups that they want and indeed expect the education system to give their children above all a good command of English as rapidly as possible ’ .
30 no , of course you ca n't now , but will you have enquiries made and if er , there are an existence of twelve members of parliament ledgers , any report from crisis management and any erm , any er , er minute of a board meeting er at er directors at which the contingency er , at the contingency fund was discussed or recor any recording of value , having enquiries make sure that they exist and then tell me er if , if , if you 're prepared to disclose them
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