Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] been under " in BNC.

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1 Although I had been under no real illusions that an amazing secret would suddenly be revealed , I was nevertheless disappointed that my theories had proved to be groundless .
2 The thought hammered in my brain that I had been under the impression that I was fit .
3 ‘ Tommy told us that she had been under the water and he had to do something to save her .
4 I could not in the court of law swear that you had been under my observations the whole time we were making the ascent . ’
5 The partly suspended sentence of imprisonment had been omitted from the Bill which had passed through all its stages in the Lords , although it had been under consideration by the ACPS .
6 Its autonomy was , however , short-lived , and although it was probably no less active than it had been under Henry VII , Wolsey 's domineering conduct thrust it into subservience .
7 It was obvious that he had been under house arrest at some point in his life . ’
8 It did not disturb him that he had been under observation ; he was not accustomed to deprecate what he was , or to undervalue it .
9 Wade Dooley is by no means the only player who was apt to be more profitable under the old laws than he has been under the new .
10 And I think er Well Pat and I have discussed that a little bit as well , cos I 've been under some pressure in this direction with Alice .
11 If she 's been under stress .
12 So if you 've been under pressure lately , try Seven Seas Vitamin B complex , which cost £2.99 for 60 capsules or Vitalert For Stress with B-vitamins , £2.89/30 .
13 And he 's been under somebody or other at Charing Cross Hospital I , who has a rather different approach to the whole thing , many other people 's involve rest and doing nothing and so on and so forth .
14 But to her amazement he did nothing of the kind , but , shaking his head as if he had been under some kind of stress , ‘ I did n't think I could have got your innocence so completely wrong , ’ he stated gruffly .
15 But one woman who should have been there could n't attend the ceremony — because she 's been under house arrest for the past four years .
16 Ever since she 's been under threat of eviction .
17 The green staff worked miracles to get the course fit for play after it had been under water from Thursday night 's storms .
18 The rather frayed drapes , either side of the tall windows , had a silky sheen in the soft lamplight , the scratched furniture and the threadbare state of the rugs no longer as visible as they had been under the brilliant glare of the harsh overhead light .
19 Most essential of all for the future assessment of public finance , we must establish a truly independent source of economic statistics to ensure that judgments are not distorted — as they have been under this Government , by political interference in their collection or presentation .
20 The Jewish community continued to be led by the Chief Rabbi , as it had been under the Byzantine emperors .
21 Nigeria thus became an administered rather than a political society , just as it had been under colonialism .
22 In 613 the kingdom was reunited , as it had been under the previous Chlothar in 558 .
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