Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] one [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But from my point of view what mattered most was that it bordered Abyssinia , where I hoped one day to be posted .
2 She had to go to the Garfield Centre , where she taught one day a week , to see the inmates perform their Christmas entertainment .
3 Mr. Wilberforce and I agree that where we knew one instance of it thirty years ago , there are now a dozen or more . ’
4 While at the city 's Royal Hospital , he took a detour to the maternity ward , where he caused one woman to laugh so much that she had to be whisked away quickly for a premature birth .
5 Nibbles is an interesting one that I played one night and I was going cor !
6 And he 'd have to put that I remember one man that was counting like this , he used to count them by the three you know .
7 I proposed that I teach one woman what I knew so that she could teach the others after we got more machines .
8 Erm , I erm , employ people , so I decided to have an employment section , six months later when I was reviewing the daytimer , I discovered that I had one sheet in my employment section , er , about a lady I had interviewed and not employed , whereas I had a prospect section that was overflowing , and needed drastic sub-division .
9 This demonstrated that I was not yet a legionnaire as I had not been awarded my white képi , and as such was still an ‘ engagé volontaire ’ or recruit ; it went on to say that I had one month 's service in the Legion , and that I was part of the Squadron commanded by Capitaine Duransoy , in the section of Sergeant Major Barlerin of the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment .
10 Instead , I sent him one of me that I took one weekend , with the sun coming in the window and shining on my hair .
11 I was doing chequebooks and cards , and I had a very good run on them for about four months , but what with taking drugs and that I collapsed one time when I was working out on the street .
12 It is here , in fact , that I have one reservation about Beverle Houston 's article , around her use of the term , ‘ desire ’ , and its place in the formation of the television subject .
13 ‘ I do n't think I could stand being a nurse because I would get too involved , so I hope one day to join the fire brigade , ’ she said .
14 Their neighbour , the writer Julia Strachey , found them " congenial souls and seeing them does cheer one up " , although she recalled one evening when Eliot suddenly emerged in a dressing gown apparently " utterly distraught and Strindbergian , with his at-all-times remarkable manner accentuated into something ghostly and weird .
15 Just before leaving the consulting room she knew that she had one thing left to do and it was important .
16 He noticed that she had one button of her blouse more than usual undone .
17 Teaching her all the domestic arts , Melissa reflected , in the hope that she 'd one day end up a housewife and mother in the true Italian tradition .
18 Dalgliesh remembered her whispered confidence to Theresa in the car , the child 's intent face and brief transforming smile , and thought that she understood one child at least far better than she would probably claim .
19 I heard that she lost one baby as well , and I do know that she suffered badly with her legs , varicose veins , I believe .
20 Compared Janet NcCalman alledged charmer and being questioned as to her using of charms confessed that she used one charm for Causing Cows bull ( called eelis dhair ) which she practices by expressing some words over water and that she gave it particularly to one NcAbhrionid in Balulise .
21 Compared Janet NcCalman alledged charmer and being questioned as to her using of charms confessed that she used one charm for Causing Cows bull ( called eelis dhair ) which she practices by expressing some words over water and that she gave it particularly to one NcAbhrionid in Balulise .
22 ‘ That 's right , ’ said Mildred , ‘ and I heard tell that she changed one girl into a frog because she was two seconds late for a lesson .
23 You 've just said that you took one look at Lotta and wanted her without knowing a thing about her , and now you 're telling me exactly the same thing .
24 It 's an input , a set of rules to follow , that will guarantee , that you get one output .
25 And I hope and pray that you wake one day in
26 If you wear the same thing twice in the same situation you may give the impression that you have one safe set of clothes and that you are only immaculately turned out when relying on that one safe outfit .
27 ‘ You made it abundantly clear that you have one hell of a good social life at home .
28 There was an expression in his blue eyes that she did not completely understand , ant so she lifted one eyebrow .
29 Okay , so you got one consignment
30 Because at no metres there 's one post and at the end of a hundred metres you 've got two posts so you got one post more
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