Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] you [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A few weeks ago we were fortunate enough to meet in a public house where I bought you half a dozen pints and we engaged in a long and fascinating conversation .
2 ALTHOUGH I promised you last week that I 'd bring details of the all Ireland Schools teams competition this week , I 'm afraid that I do n't have full details to hand as yet , so I 'll hold it over to next week .
3 ALTHOUGH I promised you last week that I 'd bring details of the all Ireland Schools teams competition this week , I 'm afraid that I do n't have full details to hand as yet , so I 'll hold it over to next week .
4 ‘ By God , Sally-Anne , your mother said that I spoiled you rotten , and I think that she 's right .
5 Erm , I would like to close by saying that erm I just thought it would be just a nice idea that I would invite any of you members of the Council and wives who have n't got anything else to do on Christmas morning , if you fancy popping up to my house for a glass of sherry or whatever , just on a casual basis as a little thank you for what you 've done over the erm over the last twelve months , I extend that invitation to you all and District Councillors if they wish to come and I would like to say , on behalf of the Council , that I hope you all have a , this is the last full meeting , and to everybody here I hope you have a very nice happy peaceful Christmas and I hope we all go into the new year with renewed vigour .
6 ‘ I am so sorry that I caused you such grief by acting as I did , by going off without telling anyone .
7 You 've got ta stick to the same order that I showed you this morning , yeah ?
8 He rubbed at his jaw and the back of his neck with the towel and said , ‘ I 'm not drunk , I was dog-tired , not that I owe you any explanation .
9 And I have to admit that I found you delightful .
10 ‘ Has n't it ever occurred to you that I find you repulsive — that I 'd rather be kissed by a lizard than you ? ’
11 ‘ I 'm not afraid to admit that I wanted you last night , more than I 've wanted any woman for a long time . ’
12 But remember , Isabel , if you dislike your present position , that once I offered you honourable marriage .
13 ‘ You will be , once I pump you full of every calorie this place has to offer , and your first iron tablet straight away . ’
14 Then the righteous will reply , ‘ Lord , when was it that we saw you hungry and fed you , or thirsty and gave you drink , a stranger and took you home , or naked and clothed you ?
15 And they too will reply , ‘ Lord , when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison , and did nothing for you ? ’
16 we 'll show you now how to put on a pressure bandage for severe bleeding and then we 'll put the film on and you can see the whole lot again , okay , so just be in the room if you just push and push and push on the window and er the hand has gone through the window , right , and there 's no glass imbedded but it 's cut right across the palm and the reason that we show you this one is because the artery that feeds all these fingers comes and the thumb comes up in an arch like that okay , so the artery comes down , up in an arch across the palm of the hand , so the fingers and thumb all get a blood supply , so when you cut the palm of your hand there is a lot of blood pumping out , okay , so what 's the first thing I 'd tell her to do ?
17 I think I speak for everybody and say that we wish you well in this project .
18 it 's , it 's , it 's ridiculous I just think it 's very unfair that they regard you that way .
19 That they ask you specific questions of that naming it 's a multi-choice more importantly in your written answers you will have to in , you are expected to include and correct systematic ohms for any organics that you deal with .
20 worth a pound off so they give you ten points do they every ?
21 are reasonably senior , and the great thing is once they do you one favour that 's it , and it 's better because rather than have , for example a junior police officer , who has no idea of covering his tracks
22 Dear god , everything is so wrong , look , it took you six days to make the world , but does it say in the bible that it took you fifteen days to design it , oh no you just got up and decided to make the world .
23 The beauty of this method is that it makes you aware of the most harmonic choices that are avaible to you on any chosen scale degree .
24 Then standing , you bent over and me holding you open … and sometimes , the strange sight of our mirrored selves , limbs and bodies wrapped around each other . ’
25 I 'm not and I tell you honest it 's , it is frightening me a bit .
26 And I tell you one of my early recollections when I went to school , I 'm going back now , was er across the way from where I lived , was a family and their name was , I remember the name although I 'd only be about nine .
27 And I tell you another thing I noticed , I cut through the car park in the lane behind Shirley 's one day this week , I went through and and the back door of the old police station 's open .
28 And I tell you this , that 's the advice your own mother would give you .
29 ‘ Indeed I have , mon ami , ’ said Auguste crossly , still mortified that his entrée should be selected , ‘ and I tell you this : it does not make sense .
30 I salute you all and I thank you all . ’
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