Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] they the " in BNC.

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1 about analysis or me giving them the dream and I have to sort of like get out for myself what
2 Or he gave them the impression that he wrestled , with limbs contorted , in the effort to seize hold of what truth could be found .
3 Well I mean it 's gone much beyond that I mean they the reality of the situation is er is not like that I 'm afraid I mean it Eighteen men have been sacked and and these are men that have put those quarries where they are .
4 I went around being nice to children for a while , being a sort of modern Pied Piper , but I learnt that they 're a manipulative lot and crazy for money , literally crazy for it , so I gave them the elbow .
5 After being swamped by people demanding that we give them the freebie SEAL course , we have , after long and difficult nights of deliberation , come to a decision .
6 That was hot , yes and th in between there used to be that 's where your furnace used to go in and come back and up out the chimney and that they put them the in there to heat the water quick you see and yet they ought to be , they had to be sliced out with a what they call a slice , cos they used to get furred up and we used to give them nineteen and sixpence for that to fill the boiler up again , we had t used to have take Pinmill and they used to have to come up to get fresh water into the anchor boat and we used to pump it up by hand , into the boiler .
7 Some , however , did receive Him and believed in Him ; so he gave them the right to become God 's children .
8 And I sold them the best .
9 Because I asked in the other classes , three or four American students , and I asked them the same question .
10 Then I , for a few minutes , we 've got only fifteen minutes so , about twelve to fifteen minutes , and I explain them the historical aspects .
11 When Victor and I gave them the slip at Victoria station they knew we were onto them .
12 Keep them out and you deny them the chance to share in our unpopularity .
13 Well the flowering house plants , we hope you 're going to be given for Christmas , things like cyclamen and indoor azaleas and also your indoor bowls of course will last much longer if you give them the coolest , lightest position you can .
14 The sort of stuff that you get in in y'know sort of everyday gossip between friends about y'know when people talk about each- other , oh I think he 's a bit er I think he 's a bit camp , or I think he probably is but erm yeah yeah all that kind of thing yeah erm is is like the the informal repertoire , the informal repertoire that you do between friends erm , between people to whom it sort of y'know it 's not very important if you give them the wrong impression sort of thing .
15 You know if you , if you give them the notice .
16 And we send them the replacement , and they let the broken one sit there .
17 It does n't matter if we get them the wrong way round it 'll still work out .
18 If we afforded them the respect they deserve the respect they are given in other European countries then the standard of service we would get would be a lot higher , ’ says the 55-year-old Swiss-trained baker .
19 But look at it this way ; if we give them the exclusive we only have to go on the merry-go-round once .
20 If we gave them the five hundred , we wo n't , we are within , having said that , we 're not going to give everybody everything , I do n't think .
21 the only reason that police get away with drink driving is cos half the buggers are Masons and they give them the old funny hand shake and its oh on your way sir
22 He did , however , acknowledge that it would be neither responsible nor sensible to ignore the existence of the Action Committee , and he offered them the opportunity of a meeting with representatives of the council .
23 The New Towns Act , 1946 , provided for the designation of sites for New Towns ; the setting up of development corporations for their development ; and it gave them the range of powers they would use .
24 It was sweet revenge for Flintshire , who lost out in the corresponding fixture last season , and it gave them the perfect start as they bid to recapture the North Wales county crown .
25 Mr Howe said : ‘ It was the only chance Arsenal had and it won them the match . ’
26 United put profits before results last season and it cost them the Championship .
27 If he showed them the latest Washington telegram which he had seen before his departure [ KPs 66 and 85 ] , they would have been made aware that although they had to exercise the utmost restraint for the time being , a new and firmer policy might soon be adopted .
28 Be having another now cos he read them the other day .
29 The Geophagus will tolerate London tap , but the Crenicara filamentosa and the Rams are doomed unless you give them the right conditions .
30 Different respondents may use different frames of reference unless we tell them the purpose of the rating procedure .
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