Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] [num] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 I could n't help contrasting it with Antrim , Edinburgh , Gateshead , even Crystal Palace where you needed two or three tracksuits just to keep warm .
2 We had those Russian dolls where you unscrew one and there 's another inside , and I thought people were born fully clothed .
3 If you want children now , and he wants them in five years , or you want two and he wants six , you can probably reach a compromise .
4 The John family were tenants for two generations around the turn of this century and ran a hauliers business from the farm , where they stabled thirty or more shire horses .
5 MASS SPECTROMETER A sample is made into a gas and the atoms or molecules are passed through an ionisation chamber where they have one or more electrons ‘ knocked off ’ to form positive ions .
6 No you 're looking at the wrong one , this eight down here where it says eight and then there 's an O and a Z , that 's eight ounces which is about two and something grams , we 're not worried about grams today , in ounces , oh , think that will be enough ?
7 ‘ They were mainly people with offices or garages although I had one or two with large country houses . ’
8 I am ashamed to admit that I scored 11 and Martin Swartz scored 17 .
9 Now twenty two is So they do n't say twenty and two it 's only on the ones like twenty one thirty one forty one that you say twenty and one thirty and one .
10 If you then assumed that half the houses in the nation were converted to solar water heating in this way , you found find that you save one and a half percent of the primary fuel .
11 And do you find I mean you mention somewhere in here that you have one or two potential clients .
12 Although we saw one or two birds such as pine grosbeak , waxwing and bean goose which were ‘ new ’ for the trip , we found the valley a depressing place .
13 In fact , all the shows that played there were amazing although we did two or three shows in America where there were n't a lot of people .
14 It was as a result of those surveys that we pinpointed two and , later , three farms and that is where the detailed tests are being carried out .
15 ‘ We ca n't afford to have all the scientific journals in our library that we had 10 or even five years ago , ’ says Sir Eric .
16 When you ask what happens at national level , well what happens at national level in these industries is that we have dozens and dozens of requests for headquarters conferences each year .
17 Yeah , what about the fucking night that we did two and a bit hours and the other little bits and pieces that we 've been fucking doing it ,
18 All right so we put two and two nothing so I put two and two in the other machine three pounds that 's not bad .
19 Student Language Use : As many bilingual students in FE appear to be fluent users of English and speak in local accents it is important to alert participants to the fact that they use two or more languages regularly and operate in two cultures in their daily lives .
20 She rejected about a dozen of these sample shades before she mentioned that they cost sixty or seventy pence each .
21 Selectors may generally be identified by the fact that they presuppose one or more semantic traits of their selectees .
22 Under the 1953 Act , it is an offence to carry a weapon in a public place unless you have permission or a good reason , and the onus is on the carrier to show that they have one or the other .
23 Then of course not one would enter the gangway to go into the steamer , so they caught one and forced it through , then all the rest followed quite eagerly of their own accord .
24 and they did n't know which one to watch there was two on at the same time so they picked one and she said if we had a video she said we could be taping the other one and he said how can you do that ?
25 Not big at all , just comfortable , so that it sleeps two or three .
26 David left school with 2 GCE ‘ O ’ level passes , in Art and Woodwork , and the school found him a job as a junior with a commercial art company , The Design Group Ltd. , and although some early press releases said that David was expelled from school , the record shows that he left two or three days early to start the job .
27 It is not sufficient that he avoids one or two of the provisions — he must avoid all of them .
28 If it is thus hardly surprising that he gave I and II Cnut his backing at a Christmas court at Winchester , it is also impossible to prove that his regime otherwise paid them much heed .
29 One person informed us that he lost four and a half stone doing jury service : we considered sending on his letter to weight-watchers , so that the future courtroom might feature twelve fat men and true .
30 So now it 's , so he wants one and Bryant one for two .
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