Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] may be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As gastrointestinal symptoms or signs may be non-specific two or more features related to either the upper or lower tract were considered necessary to suggest the site of possible disease .
2 Or intermediaries may be prepared to offer deals at times when other firms are unable to do so , taking the risk of putting a deal on their own books .
3 To depict the aggregate supply function we first need to draw a distinction between aggregate supply in the short run , where expectations may be sluggish in reacting to external events , and the long run where money is neutral and where the supply of output is invariant with respect to the nominal money supply and the absolute price level .
4 A sound studio is actually likely to be much more distracting as you will usually be able to see the engineers and technicians working away in the control room and researchers or producers may be passing notes to the presenter .
5 ( Similarly geometrical shapes or relations may be interdefinable in terms of their necessary relations and yet each , in principle , be displayable to ‘ spatial intuition ’ . )
6 Others such as geologists or naturalists may be able to collect that information much more rapidly , but again it may be years before it can be used to produce a theory of evolution .
7 All mood-altering substances or behaviours may be cross-addictive .
8 Such evidence as saliva and seminal fluid tests , footprints or fingerprints may be helpful .
9 ii ) products or services may be consistent with traits associated with compliance .
10 Even if a paddock or field is green and appears to be thickly covered , the grasses or weeds may be unsuitable and unpalatable for horses — especially if the ground lacks drainage , and the grass is rank and sour .
11 Either men or women may be homosexual : the term " lesbianism " is often given to female homosexuality .
12 A Midland-based company , British Contact Sports Supplies , is currently trying to make the suit knife- and bullet-proof and , although no one from the Met Police could confirm or deny the rumours , it seems that plans may be afoot for them to adopt the suit in the future
13 Qaddafi , at only one point , seems to say that states may be legitimate if they coincide with nations : ‘ The nation-state [ al-dawla al-qawmiya ] is the only polity harmonious with natural social structure . ’
14 Inerting gases are capable of rapid but limited control of fires in racked storages , to the extend that flames may be subdued but smouldering may still persist .
15 Previous research with North Indian master drummers has suggested that computers may be able to throw some light on these processes .
16 Although losses may be equal , the side that is the better able to sustain them will derive most benefit from any encounter .
17 There is a compelling public interest in state provision of primary and secondary education : everybody gains if all children receive schooling of a quality that parents may be unwilling or unable to pay for .
18 We saw in chapter 4 that mixtures may be homogeneous , in which case they exist as a single phase , or they may be heterogeneous .
19 But although brands may be valuable aids for getting market share , they are not indispensible .
20 The markets of course know that governments may be glad of a chance to change policy in the event of a successful speculative attack , which provides traders the incentive to undertake it .
21 Although individuals may be aware of sometimes talking in " a mixture " this is very rarely commented on .
22 The danger here is that , although things may be pleasant for the workers , the incentive to work very hard is not so direct and it may not be possible to maintain a competitive position in comparison with the same industry in a developing country .
23 As far as informal carers are concerned , the evidence that families may be unable to take on extra responsibilities , and the less certain evidence that elderly people may prefer care by professionals , with help and support from the family , rather than entirely by kin , are conveniently ignored .
24 Most knitters in the UK imagine that although machines may be expensive in Australia because of import duty , yarn should be cheap .
25 Our results indicate that epidermal LC express functional cadherins and suggest that cadherins may be responsible for certain biological properties of these highly specialized bone marrow-derived cells , including their propensity to persist in epidermis .
26 The most fundamental criticism raised on educational grounds is that objectives may be suitable for training programmes but are not suitable for education .
27 Smith suggests that doctors may be able to make swifter judgments than a lay jury on the weight and validity of scientific arguments .
28 The social stratification that results may be ill-defined ( as in North American societies ) or may be fully institutionalised , as in India where a rigid " caste " system operates .
29 It was not an unhelpful intervention , Mr. Deputy Speaker , because one of the problems in dealing with the targeting of advertising is that advertisements aimed at adults will be less effective than the Minister may wish if they take account of the fact that children may be present .
30 Others , such as Engels ( 1972 ) , have argued that this particular form of domestic oppression exists in order that men may be sure that they pass such property as they possess to their heirs without fear of it going to the sons of other men .
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